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Report - Cornbrook Manchester - Rebooted, May 2019.

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28DL Wood Burner
28DL Full Member
lol fuck me OJ, I thought you were nuts for going down it the first time!
Could you not convince @thompski to re-visit?

Fair play R kid! :cool:


Staff member
Holy fuck, epic stuff from the two of you! :Not Worthy

.....and I'll remind you of this (again!) next time you take the piss out of Boltons st00piness! :p

I've crawled up many a 3ft/4ft shit pipe in Boltonia, I said never again to that as well a few years ago


Regular User
Awesome report Ojay - much easier to read than completing the drain itself, from the sound of it. Great work.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
What a superb report. Fair play to you both. I couldn't go through hell underground like yourselves. :Not Worthy


I Go Where The Drains Are
Regular User
Yeah except it was all shuttered, full of weeds and partially collapsing when i was there... Which TBF made for a chill AF manhole access.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Wow , just wow. These drains are really getting me, I just love looking at them. This is superb and just increased my curious mind even more. :cool:


Loyal to the Drain
Regular User
I was reading the news this morning and saw this article about a sinkhole causing a house to partially collapse on Walmer Street in Gorton.
The first thing I thought of was the Cornbrook as I'm pretty sure it runs very close to this location.
After pouring over this superb report again, the words "accident waiting to happen during a major storm event and needs immediate attention" are now running through my head.
I'd like to think the collapse of the culvert was repaired over a year ago but I've got a nasty feeling that probably nowt was done.
I wonder if in due course we will hear that 'lessons will be learnt" :rolleyes:


Staff member
Well amazingly our find wasn’t in that vicinity, but mark my words when I say accident waiting to happen as the majority of the Cornbrook is in a poor state and it’s always a matter of time with these things sadly.

Funnily enough, I poked my beak in a day after storm Christoph had battered Manchester and as you can see @siologen favourite muddy shit hole was submerged still


Brindley’s basin and weir was doing a grand job


And the final outfall to the ship canal was holding out



Loyal to the Drain
Regular User
Good to see Brindley's weir in use. Not seen the water coming in the top like that before though.
It will be interesting to see what the result of the investigation reveals in due course.
Trouble is with these places is that it's so easy to ignore the problems as they are not in the public view.

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