Visited with Lost and Alir147 ::
Not sure if you are familiar with this plcae, it was set on fire sometime last year, folk thought it was the developers but found out that it was a bunch of kids... 2 guys were ghost hunting and got in and set up cameras with the intention to go back the next day and see if they found anything. little did they know that their cameras recorded the wee chavs playing with fire. the trail is now underway. anyways....
a lot of this has been demolished, including the mortuary :/
the chapel still remains, locked tight and alarmed and 50% of the main building is just fire damage, but still lots of treasure to be seen. the builders have moved in and started to strip it out and apparently this will see Inverness's first million pound apartment //
And Dweeb... I know you are going to ask me but noooooo i didnt, it was stuipidly sealed tight
mass of scaffolding ... £5 million worth of damage apparently
tiles & tiles & tiles & tiles which I LOVED.
we found a storage room with all the old windows...
maybe they restoring them for the flats... hmm
and of course the obligitory vinyl
Not sure if you are familiar with this plcae, it was set on fire sometime last year, folk thought it was the developers but found out that it was a bunch of kids... 2 guys were ghost hunting and got in and set up cameras with the intention to go back the next day and see if they found anything. little did they know that their cameras recorded the wee chavs playing with fire. the trail is now underway. anyways....
a lot of this has been demolished, including the mortuary :/
the chapel still remains, locked tight and alarmed and 50% of the main building is just fire damage, but still lots of treasure to be seen. the builders have moved in and started to strip it out and apparently this will see Inverness's first million pound apartment //
And Dweeb... I know you are going to ask me but noooooo i didnt, it was stuipidly sealed tight
mass of scaffolding ... £5 million worth of damage apparently
tiles & tiles & tiles & tiles which I LOVED.
we found a storage room with all the old windows...
maybe they restoring them for the flats... hmm
and of course the obligitory vinyl