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Report - Cwmorthan slate mine 0ct19

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A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
Looks like you took about the same route we did, that walk up there nearly killed me, but well worth it and that staircase going down felt more than a little worrying


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Glad you like them, I helped repair them moons ago on a working bee weekend!
The slate mines must have the largest caverns of any mine type in Britain from the look of them. It seems that slates usefulness as a roofing material is due to it having very low water absorption thus being very resistant to freeze damage and being easy to cleave into thin sheets. It tends to produce high levels of waste material though with sometimes only about 10% of mined rock ending up as actual roof slates.

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
Absolutely amazing such a difference to the iron mines around this area do you no when these opened and closed ?

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
A long time then the mines I go in where I from are 1880-1962, are these extensive inside like many tunnels everywhere the ironstone here are like a maze but much smaller tunnels 8ft tall by 8ft usually mined the pillar and stall method the open areas in yours are much larger


Down t'pit
Regular User
A long time then the mines I go in where I from are 1880-1962, are these extensive inside like many tunnels everywhere the ironstone here are like a maze but much smaller tunnels 8ft tall by 8ft usually mined the pillar and stall method the open areas in yours are much larger
It's massive. The mine next door, Oakeley was once the largest slate mine in the world - These bought Cwmorthin in 1930. If you have a look at the floor levels Floor 16 is 1650ft above sea level and the bottom is 131ft. Slate is pretty much all worked out in massive chambers. Here is a Map of Cwmorthin

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
Wow that is amazing are ones are all just 1 level 1 day I will have to visit I see how they can be so dangerous now the false floors etc have you ever been to a different level as such them or just the top ?


Down t'pit
Regular User
There is an access agreement in place for Cwmorthin, have a look at this website for details.

As a rule there isn't many false floors in slate mines, the main issue with massive chambers is risk of collapses and big drops. Have a look at one of the smaller mines first. Rhosydd just a bit further up the hill has some nice features and your not likely to get lost. Heres a couple of my reports from Rhosydd.


Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
Considering the grief Cwmorthin has had with certain types in the last few months its probably a good idea not to go if you're not very experienced or pay for one of the commercial tours that Go Below offer ( ) Cwmorthin is a working slate mine so you will need to sign release forms before they let you go underground.

Rhosydd surface is a good mooch but again, if youve never been underground before, please get someone to take you the first time.


Down t'pit
Regular User
Try somewhere like Conglog for a nice little introduction to slate. No chance of getting lost in there.

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
Thanks mate are you actually aloud up in mines in your area then ,in the East Midlands here it’s so hush hush as such so many YouTube people and Facebook now ,as soon as a adit goes online it gets burried by a digger it’s unbelievable Oe fast this happens , their are still a good handful here I no of but I never madePosts as worried will loose them as well ,have hundreds of good photos if their a place on here I could share some as long as I don’t have to put the actual mine name am happy to thanks for advice

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