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Report - - East Finchley Substation - London - November 2014 | Other Sites |

Report - East Finchley Substation - London - November 2014


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

I couldn’t find any in-depth history on this place but it appears to be a pretty standard substation that was closed /decommissioned sometime in 2000.

It is currently up for sale with estate agents Knight Frank quoting potential for redevelopment as residential or commercial premises.

However due to local resentment and a dispute over the redevelopment of the green area surrounding the substation this seems to have resulted in a lack of bidders so far and consequently the substation still lies empty.


Explored with Slayaaaa and Felix this was more of an opportune explore rather than a planned one as we only realised this was in the vicinity on our way to The Bishops Avenue aka “Billionaire Row”. Unfortunately after looking initially quite promising we eventually “went bust” on Billionaires row so this was something to explore whilst we were in the area. Doesn’t look like much has changed (well, one thing definitely has :D) since the last reports but it made for good fun and practice light painting the pitch black areas.




It seems the “unreachable clock” has finally been reached by someone. Not guilty by the way...









Nothing particularly new or exciting but hope you enjoyed something of it :thumb


Estate agents description: A redundant substation site (extending to approximately 0.44 acres) situated adjacent to The Bishops Avenue, with excellent potential for residential development, subject to obtaining the necessary consents.

The site extends to approximately 0.44 acres (0.178 hectares). The site slopes gently from north west to south east.

The site comprises a redundant substation building which is well set back from the road. We understand it was constructed in c.1939. It is arranged over basement, ground and two upper floors (in part) beneath a flat roof. Its use as a substation ceased in 2000 and it has since been vacant. The building is in a dilapidated internal condition and all plant has been removed. The remainder of the site comprises open yard space.

Boundaries are currently delineated by metal fence railings at its southern and western boundaries. The retaining wall of the existing building demarcates the site’s northern and eastern boundaries. The site is accessed from the Great North Road, via wrought iron metal gates. There are a number of trees on the site.

Cheers for posting man, your pics look awesome :thumb.


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Haha someones got the ungettable clock!

I wonder what the price will be! Out of my league unfortunately