Don't wanna ask at mo not well. I'd love to have a look.
Hi Sean, Many thanks for offering this very useful information. In the grand scheme of things it isn't important that access is offered right now, what is most important is to respect your family relation and hope his health improves. The most important detail is that evidence exists of a known entrance in private property (your family) that will I'm sure contribute to the investigation .. other entrances around the village exist, but to gain access on a legal basis and I (personally) hope produce a tv documentary and reveal what lays beneath the village to its residents we need to tread carefully. Gather all sources of information, maps, plans, photographs, testimonials, etc.. without creating any unnecessary fears or suspicion. I used to live on the village when it was under development.. my previous posts in this forum will fill you in.
I'm happy to share my knowledge and identity in private so that we can communicate in detail and make a little progress.. are you happy to be contacted privately? A simply yes/no will suffice and be respected. The simple reason is simple.. privacy and security.