Hey guys, I've been watching this forum for a while as im keen to know more about the villages history.
While I haven't contacted the likes of Jelson's, or been to any archive, I have been doing some research in particular with the tunnels. I don't have much atm due to still working on things, what I do have is very interesting none the less.
On the playing field, near the Scout Hut, you may, or may not have noticed some odd square concrete structures recessed into the ground. The two structures have what appears to be two door-like panels on top, covering whatever is underneath.
Also on the playing field, in the bushes areas, there are two more structures that are very similar to the above, only these are circular shaped and lack doors. They however are filled with rubble, so I don't know if there is any open space underneath them anymore. They resemble tunnel air shafts.
Now the two above are in a straight line, so rule of thumb is that they are both connected to eachother, as are the two I mentioned previously. Draw a straight line from the 'air shaft-like' one furthest from the train tracks, and you end up meeting with one of the square structures of the presumed other connected tunnels (near to the road leading away from the scout hut).
Now for those naysayers who will likely shun this post, I have pictures of the sites to back up my said findings. Tbh I have no idea what these tunnels are/were used for, but I do know that for a fact the tunnels are down there. If someone can help with finding out their original function, that would be most helpful.
I shall post more here as I do more research.
Also, I want to say that I got my research WITHOUT doing anything illegal, I didn't trespass nor did I break into these tunnels. If anyone else is willing to also do some research on them in the same way, I'd advise they do so without breaking any laws.
Did you have a look underneath those concrete slabs? They look like they could be pried up with a crowbar or spade.