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Question - Ethical Question - A.E.I Henley Air Raid


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hello All,

I have an ethical/etiquette query for you. I’m visiting the A.E.I Henley Air Raid shelter tomorrow and I’m going to be making a video that will be made public. Now, if you have visited the site you will know that entry is quite interesting to say the least :D so maybe this is best answered by those who have been there but all comments are welcome. Now obviously I’m not going to document the entry point from outside but what would the opinion be of taking a video of the entry from the inside (pointing the camera horizontally. That will make sense if you have been there).

Cheers ;)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I would say don't, because whatever the feature is internally will be known to the landowners externally.

A fair point but would that not mean that you shouldn’t take any video or photos whatsoever as any of the internals could be recognised? Or are you referring more to how land owner may learn as to how people are getting in?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Since you posted this, a quick google search and sorting through several websites it is rather easy to find the general area where the entrance is located (my best guess). So where the tunnels are located is easy enough to find and publicly available. However, if you would be exposing how you got in exactly, that is bad and could result in the entrance being sealed.

In my opinion, don't have shots of, or near, the entrance. It is too easy to work out how to get into places based on the first photo in people's reports or the first few frames in a video, as people usually start photographing and filming as soon as they get inside. Hence it is quite easy to figure out where the entrance is. If it isn't an essential shot, scrap it.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Since you posted this, a quick google search and sorting through several websites it is rather easy to find the general area where the entrance is located (my best guess). So where the tunnels are located is easy enough to find and publicly available. However, if you would be exposing how you got in exactly, that is bad and could result in the entrance being sealed.

In my opinion, don't have shots of, or near, the entrance. It is too easy to work out how to get into places based on the first photo in people's reports or the first few frames in a video, as people usually start photographing and filming as soon as they get inside. Hence it is quite easy to figure out where the entrance is. If it isn't an essential shot, scrap it.

Good Advice. Perhaps it is best in this case to keep any material like that offline for personal reference :p And yes you are correct, its not difficult to find the entrance, just a massive pain to get into ;)


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
Showing the entry point from any view gives the game's rather old news now but not everyone on the facebook tour groups and forums have been in there and a video would pretty much give you the biggest clue going..Trog did a video in 2011 i think and i only watched that cos im in it


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Showing the entry point from any view gives the game's rather old news now but not everyone on the facebook tour groups and forums have been in there and a video would pretty much give you the biggest clue going..Trog did a video in 2011 i think and i only watched that cos im in it

:confused: certainly dont want facebook people arround. That has pretty much settled it :thumb


Flaxenation of the G!!!
Regular User
As wevsky said, inside or outside it just gives the game away, I don't really see a need for it when there's plenty to look around at in the tunnels. they have remained open for quite some time now....Let's try and keep it that way for as long as possible :thumb


28DL Full Member
Now obviously I’m not going to document the entry point from outside but what would the opinion be of taking a video of the entry from the inside (pointing the camera horizontally. That will make sense if you have been there).

This would make a interesting porno..:eek:


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
As wevsky said, inside or outside it just gives the game away, I don't really see a need for it when there's plenty to look around at in the tunnels. they have remained open for quite some time now....Let's try and keep it that way for as long as possible :thumb

Dont get me wrong, i totally agree. Last thing i would want to do would be the individual responsible for getting a place sealed. I have been foiled by others who have managed to get something sealed.