This is my first report on here, any feedback is greatly appreciated!
This premises is marked for demolition April 2025 so it won't be there for much longer. Be aware that straight through the fence at the rear there are open manholes hidden under brambles and ivy that pose quite a nasty threat of a fall, rebar rubble to trip over on etc.
Eva Brothers or Crabtree Forge was probably most famous for producing parts for the Titanic's engines. Closed in 2005, it's merely a shell of its former self. We visited over Christmas of 2024, we cut our first visit short as we saw hooded figure mooching around so we promptly left, and returned the following day early morning and resumed our explore. I have noticed it has been done a few times but there really is nothing there now at all and be warned there is a lot of bagged up asbestos on site and on the pipes as lagging.
This premises is marked for demolition April 2025 so it won't be there for much longer. Be aware that straight through the fence at the rear there are open manholes hidden under brambles and ivy that pose quite a nasty threat of a fall, rebar rubble to trip over on etc.
Eva Brothers or Crabtree Forge was probably most famous for producing parts for the Titanic's engines. Closed in 2005, it's merely a shell of its former self. We visited over Christmas of 2024, we cut our first visit short as we saw hooded figure mooching around so we promptly left, and returned the following day early morning and resumed our explore. I have noticed it has been done a few times but there really is nothing there now at all and be warned there is a lot of bagged up asbestos on site and on the pipes as lagging.
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