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Report - First Bus Depot - Rotherham - April 2023

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Irresponsible & Reckless
Regular User
I nearly didn't click on this one thinking how interesting can a bus depot be. Cracking photos of a surprisingly photogenic place. Decent plant room too.

Thanks! It was interesting enough to spend an hr or so there for sure. Nothing groundbreaking though ha


Regular User
Nice shots, quite a tragic place really.

I went on a site visit with the owner / agent in May 23 as we were looking to buy it at the time for housing. Took great delight in having a proper look round, much to the dismay of my colleagues in smart shoes. Found two heroin addicts sleeping in the old office bits, one of whom looked like he'd been set on fire.


Irresponsible & Reckless
Regular User
My kind of explore, looked a decent mooch :)
I ignored it for ages as it got a good bashing at the time but once I did visit I loved it ha.

Nice shots, quite a tragic place really.

I went on a site visit with the owner / agent in May 23 as we were looking to buy it at the time for housing. Took great delight in having a proper look round, much to the dismay of my colleagues in smart shoes. Found two heroin addicts sleeping in the old office bits, one of whom looked like he'd been set on fire.

Thanks mate. I agree with that. Seems all sorts of folk visited and used the place in their own way.

When we were there we met an entire family in the repair bays. The parents and one child were below watching the dad strip cables and scrap and there was a toddler in a buggy above. They were nice enough. Friendly once they realised we were not the fuzz.