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Report - - Fletchers Paper Mill - Oldham - Feb 2012 | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Fletchers Paper Mill - Oldham - Feb 2012

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The Lone Ranger

Safety is paramount!
Staff member
Yeah it’s shocking how this kind of thing happens. I remember years ago walking past an old favorite local explore and hearing the stihl saws rattling away inside, no police or security to be seen.

It kind of makes a joke out of how we all creep around trying to be all quiet and that ha.

What makes it more of a joke on this site is the 24/7 security. They are very quick to report broken windows and urban explores. I know as I get the community news letter with all the local policing stats and there has never been one mention of the theft of phosphorus bronze.


Irresponsible & Reckless
Regular User
What makes it more of a joke on this site is the 24/7 security. They are very quick to report broken windows and urban explores. I know as I get the community news letter with all the local policing stats and there has never been one mention of the theft of phosphorus bronze.

That’s outrageous man.

The Lone Ranger

Safety is paramount!
Staff member
I suppose if you pay peanuts you'll get monkeys, and they are always on the scrounge for extra peanuts if the can.

Having said that, they have done a good job in the main at keeping the masses out of the site. That's why it's still a worthwhile mooch.

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