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Report - - Gas Holder No.1 (JUMBO) - East Greenwich Gas Works, London 2015. | Noteworthy Reports | Page 2 |

Report - Gas Holder No.1 (JUMBO) - East Greenwich Gas Works, London 2015.

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mockney reject

Staff member
Ain't you lot going to get banned from 28dl for going out i saw admin banned someone the other day and loads of comments about how noone should be out during lockdown yet you guys have colour on your names which mean your admin so how come you guys are allowed out without criticism?

Erm It was before the lockdown


O high
Staff member
Ain't you lot going to get banned from 28dl for going out i saw admin banned someone the other day and loads of comments about how noone should be out during lockdown yet you guys have colour on your names which mean your admin so how come you guys are allowed out without criticism?

At what point was it said that the trip was made during the lockdown?


Staff member
Look when it was first posted :rolleyes: it's been on here 8 months and 30 day's precisely

It was updated again 44 day's ago, that's 1 month and 13 day's to you

It was last updated 18 hours and 28 minutes ago to the time you pointed this out, with a pic from a previous trip but who's counting eh..

Your observational skills surpass you!
FYI I've been staying in and staying safe painting, plumbing, gardening (mostly) and drinking beer :brew


Criminal this should have been kept.
More history lost for good
Let me guess luxury Flats coming soon....

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