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Question - Google maps

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Google sources it's map imagery from all sorts of planes and satellites, the online Google Maps uses the best quality available imagery for an area at any one time, which is sometimes years out of date. Google Earth defaults to the latest imagery even if it's not as good, but you can scroll through all previous imagery to find better quality.

Bing Maps on desktop browser has an OS overlay which is incredibly useful however you can't get it to work on mobile browsers weirdly.
You can get the OS overlay on your phone's browser if you request the "desktop site" , handy for planning routes on foot.

I use google / bing / yandex and between all 3 of them you can usually get a good picture. Not used google earth in a while but sounds like maybe I'll redownload it.

You can get imagery taken today at Sentinel-hub EO-Browser3 which is lower res but usually good enough to make out vehicles or similar. Believe theres a purchase option for higher res imagery.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I have been saying for ages I need to buy OS maps for my mobile, finally done it the other day and it's so usefull, I normally just take a screenshot of the area I'm going to from OS maps on Bing, but having it on my phone live is so good, used it so many times this week already, and the satelite view doesn't seem to have any of these blurry zones.


One Life. Derp It.
Regular User
Is anyone else having issues where certain parts of the country are on old horrible maps where either parts are more modern? And is there a fix for it?

all of the old map should be new as it was before
There isn't really a fix for it due to the way that Google Maps works, the satellite view is basically millions of photographs stitched together so the image quality changes between different photographs, they need to take a new photo of the area before it will get updated.

Apple Maps are pretty good for updating satellite images.
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The Young One

Asbestos lover
28DL Full Member
But the weird thing is it was a recent photo of above and then it just randomly went to that when more recent aerial footage is available


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Used to be a website that let you browse the map and switch between the different providers at a click of a button; can't remember the name now though

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