If you"ve already been told of other places nearby, why are you asking on the back of someones report

: Which is not the place to ask such questions, save that for the "Chatbox" or create a "Thread" where you can be suitably chastised for not even doing a "Forum" introduction & yet still expecting information too be given too you.......whoever you are.
The way it should work is you join & introduce yourself etc and post some reports up & interact with the "Community" rather than just expecting information too be thrown your way. Especially when nobody knows anything about you, your abilities or capabilities and a whole host of other variables. Lots of locations have taken time to find/access and in some cases protect. So you will understand why you may not get Bottle fed
There"s lots of information freely accessible too you, like the visible Forum inc" the "Search Box" (use it) and of course Google & Co
Look forward too a proper introduction & some reports from you .......in the appropriate places