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Report - - Ironstone mine in Huntingdonshire 2019 | Mines and Quarries | Page 3 |

Report - Ironstone mine in Huntingdonshire 2019

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Regular User
@tigger ahh I see so if was a permanent pair/set of boots rather than workers leaving their boots there between shifts

My impression was that they were deliberately taken in rather than swapped over. I guess if your boots were just about useless after being re-soled/nailed to the point of the uppers no longer holding then you might take the old pair in then. Each chamber and often junctions had a boot. The last bite of a crust orapple core was often into a corner on the way out...which I imagine must be the same kind of thing as the Cornish one. So many things we don't ask when young. The similarity of the names for these characters and the fact that the same symbology is commonplace around the world amazes me. In part I know it is due to the export of miners/engineers in the 17/1800's.

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
Well terrible news have just been back to do a further explore and the water is half a ft from the roof ,wanted to do a update but is far to dangerous and safety is everything am afraid it could be a few months to drain out

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
Just a few more old photos of the place dug out the archives wish I could get out now to do a proper update better than nothing I guess though !









General Nuisance
28DL Full Member
Boots, tommyknockers and oogly booglies aside, my mind was blown in learning there's a Huntingdonshire! And that such an area is capable of iron mines, that area to me just says flat fenland.
The Mo' You Know!

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
Boots, tommyknockers and oogly booglies aside, my mind was blown in learning there's a Huntingdonshire! And that such an area is capable of iron mines, that area to me just says flat fenland.
The Mo' You Know!
Many thanks mate it’s all in research and getting out and looking all it takes

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