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Is it ok to carry a pocket knife?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I own the Spyderco UK Pocket Knife you mentioned. While it has been designed for everyday carry in the UK, there is absolutely no way I would go trespassing with mine.

While non-locking blades which are less than 3.00" are technically legal to carry, the blade on my UKPK is 2.99" long, has a semi locking mechanism, semi serrated and it looks considerably more menacing than say a Victorinox penknife. Pocket knives are useful tools, but the Spyderco looks like you shouldn't be carrying it anywhere, let alone exploring. For this reason mine has been a bit of a waste of money and only gets used when camping these days.

Save yourself any potential bother and leave it at home.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Funny thing about legal and Illegal,, Police officers dont always know the law, even if they do and whilst it may be legal, Its down to the individual officer to interpret the legality..
Theres a story of a young lad, carried his legal carry knife everywhere, no issues, got stopped whilst trespassing, went with the whole civil offence malarkey, as Im sure we all do... Low and behold, Arrested for carrying a bladed artefact, Making it Armed Trespass.. Moral of the story, leave it at home.. Even If you get no further action, not worth the hassle. THE END.


Is this the future?
28DL Full Member
Take a battle axe or something along with you. If you're going to carry a blade around you might as well spice things up a bit. You'll be fucked either way if you get caught.

Taliesin Bourne

28DL Full Member
I just joined as I'm going to London in a couple months for 2 weeks and planning on doing some exploring. I do a lot of urbex photography, but it's always been in the northeast U.S.. I do have a question about equipment and I can't find the answer on google. I've read that in the U.K. trespassing is a civil offense and, unless it's a government building, all they do is kick you out. Is that still the case if you have a pocket knife? In the U.S. if you have a knife and are caught trespassing it can be a much more serious criminal offense, and the same is true if you had a grappling hook, which is something that doesn't seem to cause problems in the U.K. So if I have a knife that is otherwise legal to carry in the U.K. (Spyderco has a U.K. legal one I'm looking at, I think it was 2.5 inches), could that result in criminal charges? Or is it still a civil offense? I'm not afraid of getting kicked out of a building in the U.K., but don't want to deal with a court or anything on vacation.

Trespassing in the UK is illegal as you said, however it is down to the good grace of the people who catch you to whether they let you off with just a warning or whether they call the police. Most buildings are alarmed and not patrolled so you do have time to get out but if you are caught just be polite as manners get you everywhere. I used to carry a pocket knife however I soon realised it is classed as a offensive weapon rather than a defensive weapon. It is much better to carry pepper spray as this seems to be classed as a defensive weapon (however I am still not entirely sure of whether this is the case so further research is needed). hope this is useful and that you have fun.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Offensive or defensive, it does not matter. A weapon is a weapon, even items which are not conventionally weapons can be interpreted as such, and you can get into serious shit for it.

Just don't carry anything that could be interpreted as a weapon and save yourself the hassle.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Pepper spray is illegal to buy or own in the UK, I own 2 shotguns- yet cannot have pepper spray, and there is no such thing as a defensive weapon, in the UK you have no right to defend your self with a weapon, if you get stopped with anything that can be classed as a weapon, even a screwdriver, and mention the work defence, expect to spend the night in a cell :thumb why would you want pepper spray anyway.. the only legal option is marking spray, stains skin and clothes to help identify an attacker.. but they would have to get caught for that


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Would this apply to Multi-tool pliers too I wonder? I have sometimes brought mine on explores, I guess anything like that can constitute going equipped.
Technically a Leatherman is an illegal knife to carry, however most forces see it as a "tool" as opposed to a "knife" - If you must carry a knife - Then carry a multi-tool. :)

Dora The Explorer

28DL Member
28DL Member
Just wear two layers of trousers and hide your knife in the layer underneath that way no one will know. Or do what I do and carry a gas gun

Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
The police do NOT like urban explorers. Period. They know full well that at the moment trespass is a civil offense and there's basically nothing they can do but give you a talking too and escourt you off the premises. Taking this into account if they can get you on ANYTHING they will. If you break anything even by accident they'll do you for criminal damage, if you take any kind of tool/implement/knife etc. they will do you for carrying a weapon etc. etc.

It really is that simple. Just don't do it. unless you want to spend a night in the cells and you better have an EXTREMELY good reason for whatever they catch you for and even then you may end up with a criminal record. This really is the bottom line.

Cloth Head

28DL Regular User
Regular User
that's no a knife, this is a knife


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
No, Just NO.....................knives, Grappling hooks, multi tools & pepper spray will land you inacell for a night or two and then an appointment with "The Judge"! - leave all that shite that you normally carry on your side of the pond!