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Jim Lives On (Solomon) Movie | Solomon | Page 5 |

Jim Lives On (Solomon) Movie

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Butt Wipe
28DL Full Member
Just want to take the opertunity to thank you all again, the vid has had 4,443 hits so far, Im glad iv got into exploring Iv met some really great people, cheers guys for Welcoming me in :thumb

Cant beleive its comeing up 2 years :(

Love you Jim


Irresponsible & Reckless
Regular User
RIP Jim.


Good times.


Irresponsible & Reckless
Regular User
Sweet picture mate, don't think we have that one.

I'll send it over mate.

Bradford conditioning house and British Mohair i think. Jim is the only one who pulled off "looking comfortable on a drain pipe" haha

The Guard Dog

Slightly older… still bites
28DL Full Member
Now that is one awesome tribute. Well done sir truly. I wish I could have met the bloke.

R.I.P Solomon


Just watched this vid Horus, absolutely awesome mate!
Solomon would be proud of you I'm sure...
Sorry to hear of your loss, even after these years...:-(
Fitting tribute to a fella that looked like he enjoyed what he was doing.
You have a lot of brothers & sisters here on 28 mate!
R.I.P Solomon, DHL, Downfallen, (sorry if I've missed anyone else) from all of us.....


Butt Wipe
28DL Full Member
Unable to find the RIP Solomon page, admins ?

At 8pm tonight my mother had her last text off jim and we believe that's when he had his accident, it was the 23rd for him but 22nd in our time so we are going have a drink for him in 2 days, its now 3 years ago :(

R.I.P Solomon/Brother


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