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Report - - L A Medlers Breakers Yard - Norwich 2017 / 20 | Other Sites |

Report - L A Medlers Breakers Yard - Norwich 2017 / 20

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User


Well where to start with this place, its nothing you havent seen before but as a car lover this was my first proper car graveyard I done & it blew my mind.
Iv been back here a few times & as you may know its mostly cleared now though a few relics still survive, I can only hope that everything that has been removed has been put to apropriate use


I couldnt find much history here so this has come from a prev report.
The Medler family are huge around this area. The elder, Lenny Medler made a living operating a large scrap metal and breakers yard from the back of his property. When he died in 1989, the yard was taken over by his wife, however it fell into disrepair, and soon nature started claiming it back.

The large "main" yard has long been cleared out, but Lenny had a habit of placing scrap wherever he could find room. A known eccentric, and classic "Norfolk man", he refused pay for a real office or outbuildings, fences and the like, he simply built them himself from scrap metal. He even refused to use banks, instead trusting his money to a makeshift safe (made from a wardrobe) in one of his outbuildings,



If you havent been I suggest you visit soon to catch a glimpse of whats left, the amount of pictures I have taken is testament to how much I liked this place so heres the slimmed down ones ;-)

























& as Iv got one sitting in my garden it would be rude to not show yoiu the Moggy!


Thanks For Looking



I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
I love this place so much, I think I've been there three times over the last few years. It's such a nice peaceful place for a wander.

The vast majority of the stuff was cleared out and weighed in during the late 1990s when the price of scrap skyrocketed, the yard was absolutely legendary back in the day and it's somewhere I'd give my right arm to be able to go back in time to see.

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
I love this place so much, I think I've been there three times over the last few years. It's such a nice peaceful place for a wander.

The vast majority of the stuff was cleared out and weighed in during the late 1990s when the price of scrap skyrocketed, the yard was absolutely legendary back in the day and it's somewhere I'd give my right arm to be able to go back in time to see.

Gutted I didn't get to see it back then. There's not a lot left at all now which is a shame


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I pop in here a couple of times a year, still a nice mooch about with a few interesting vehicles left.

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
I pop in here a couple of times a year, still a nice mooch about with a few interesting vehicles left.
Do u know what's actually happening with it? R they clearing it all & who is clearing it?
It's very odd that they seem to b slowly moving odd bits over a period of years


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Do u know what's actually happening with it? R they clearing it all & who is clearing it?
It's very odd that they seem to b slowly moving odd bits over a period of years

The family still own the land. On my first visit I bumped into one of the Medlers there and had a good chat with him, I guess they're slowly clearing more bits out as and when they can.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
I love looking at this place. Ive got to say this time round, I loved the old cart wheel shot. Everything is pretty cool though. Make for stunning shots :thumb

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
I love looking at this place. Ive got to say this time round, I loved the old cart wheel shot. Everything is pretty cool though. Make for stunning shots :thumb

Thanks Jane, most these shots were many years ago on cheap point & soot camera tweaked with a bit of lightroom ;-) I have a lot of pics from here though so some were bound to come out ok lol


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Do u know what's actually happening with it? R they clearing it all & who is clearing it?
It's very odd that they seem to b slowly moving odd bits over a period of years

Nothing has changed in the last couple of years, I think there was a large clear out when the price of scrap was high.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Hey all I'm new here! Just wondered is it worth tsking a trip down here on Monday? I'm a videograoher a few nice old relics will look lovely in the sunrise..Just wanna make sure there's actually some cars even left here? Cheers in advance.

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