4 teenagers + 400ft of concrete = fun times
After heading uptown one sunny afternoon with no particular intention, we thought we'd try the impossible...the almighty Barbican towers!
I'd heard a lot from various members of the London rooftop scene about how difficult entry to the towers is, well...is it?
After successfully gliding our way past a rather preoccupied concierge at Lauderdale Tower, we swiftly made for the lift and went straight to the 42nd floor of this pebble-dashed beast of a tower block. With entry to the roof seeming a little impossible at first glance, we worked a bit of magic, and hey presto...we were through.
Sadly, we didn't spend a great deal of time up there to get any half-decent shots of the view, just a few of us to prove we've actually conquered to allegedly impossible. And it wasn't long before security greeted us on our descent...oh well, all's well that ends well.

After heading uptown one sunny afternoon with no particular intention, we thought we'd try the impossible...the almighty Barbican towers!
I'd heard a lot from various members of the London rooftop scene about how difficult entry to the towers is, well...is it?
After successfully gliding our way past a rather preoccupied concierge at Lauderdale Tower, we swiftly made for the lift and went straight to the 42nd floor of this pebble-dashed beast of a tower block. With entry to the roof seeming a little impossible at first glance, we worked a bit of magic, and hey presto...we were through.
Sadly, we didn't spend a great deal of time up there to get any half-decent shots of the view, just a few of us to prove we've actually conquered to allegedly impossible. And it wasn't long before security greeted us on our descent...oh well, all's well that ends well.