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Report - - MAENOFFEREN SLATE MINE - FFESTINIOG NORTH WALES | Mines and Quarries | Page 3 |

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Looks like Wales is back on the menu. Might head out next week
Give us a shout if you're willing have someone tag along. Never gone into the mines but I'm sure I can keep up and I'm full of shits an giggles ‍♂️


Down t'pit
Regular User
I'm probably going to stick with somewhere I know though, rather than do Maenofferen. I usually walk up to Rhosydd, go through the mine, climb out the quarry and circle back to the car park via Wrysgan. There is a way down through Wrysgan where you come out on the lowest level but I've only ever gone up it.


28DL Full Member
It’s a great mine I loved being their well worth it ! My favourite part at the lowest level go along to left and then right into the old old section

What a place ! Monk is the man to go with we had a cracking time ah mate ! I remember racing out up that main shaft lol

Was a good day that..
I'm sure I won that race ;):rolleyes:


28DL Full Member
I usually work weekends which makes it a ballache to meet up with people sometimes.

Yeah I hear that, worked nearly every weekend last year, I'm always up for a trip to Maenofferen though so will happily go weekends or a weekday now.


Down t'pit
Regular User
I'm going to be heading out early next depending on the weather, might even stop in the car overnight. Got some plans to cover some surface stuff as well.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Will definitely sort something out for those interested, you'll want boots/decent walking shoes a torch and some sort of bump hat.
I've got all the stuff good boots strong head light and a hard hat


Down t'pit
Regular User
Make sure you have a spare torch and gloves are useful as well. Also don't forget a tripod

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