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Report - - MAENOFFEREN SLATE MINE MARCH 2020 | Mines and Quarries | Page 2 |


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Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
If you go back drop me a PM, you can easily avoid that flooded section ;)

Thanks will do, we did explore some of the higher tunnels (where u can look over top into main chamber) but didn’t have a huge amount of time, this was in the eve & we had been at it since 3am lol


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Really great report that ! I do like the hob nail boots photo.
The effort you put into the history comes across a lot easier to absorb than copy / pasting Wikipedia.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Inclines not tramways, and levels go down from mill level,1,2,A,B,C,D,E,F,*G* and 2 chambers in H* (*=flooded) And reason you might have to go up a level when chamber was worked they used to throw waste in it rather than haul it out,(and you might be in a certain vein) remember there was 5 different slate veins there so when you see survey or map you respect those old miners more & more. Sorry those hobnail boot marks were done by someone taking the pi$$
And please if exploring the mine refrain from spraying bright graffiti everywhere (not saying it was you, just saying to everyone)



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Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
Inclines not tramways, and levels go down from mill level,1,2,A,B,C,D,E,F,*G* and 2 chambers in H* (*=flooded) And reason you might have to go up a level when chamber was worked they used to throw waste in it rather than haul it out,(and you might be in a certain vein) remember there was 5 different slate veins there so when you see survey or map you respect those old miners more & more. Sorry those hobnail boot marks were done by someone taking the pi$$
And please if exploring the mine refrain from spraying bright graffiti everywhere (not saying it was you, just saying to everyone)



They was not fakes mate thankyou found them around their everywhere and much to consistent, if you keep your eyes open you shall also find them as you obviously regularly go their thanks for other advice shall keep it in mind ,we also see a lot of horse prints in differnt mines I don’t think people carry in horses legs faking these also Thanks for your reply anyway


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
They was not fakes mate thankyou found them around their everywhere and much to consistent, if you keep your eyes open you shall also find them as you obviously regularly go their thanks for other advice shall keep it in mind ,we also see a lot of horse prints in differnt mines I don’t think people carry in horses legs faking these also Thanks for your reply anyway
Familly member used to work in mine for years and this is his words...”There’s only GENUINE hob nail boots (old miners boots not modern boots) in part of the old workings, accesible only by boat and have been taped off to keep people from ruining them. I’ve seen them myself! I’ve walked through nearly every inch of that mine, I’m in there at least once a week finding stuff and displaying them, and believe me there’s no hob nail boot prints appart from ones locals have made with found boots. Lots of locals take the piss by carrying hob nail boots which they know whereabouts and print them all around as a laugh. Seen it done. Take Diffwys, there is genuine horseshoe print in there then some one finds out and prints a few himself with a horseshoe just for a laugh in a more accessible part of mine.
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Could of made a better job of cleaning up that graf.
You taking the piss lol, I posted one picture, I cleaned up 20+ different pink graffiti. You try get place spotless when you can only use slate and mud as a cleaning product. If idiots wouldn’t come exploring and spraying pink and green graffiti over historic miners pictures I wouldn’t have to spend 2 hours cleaning. My dad worked for years in this mine and to see it disrespected by idiots not wanting to get lost is shameful. If you need bright pink paint to help you through mine, you shouldn’t be in there


















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Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
Ok mate , I seen them in their for over 100m long beside where the track was, they walk beside it follow the track corners etc left and right boot either some one is extremely dedicated to faking this or it’s genuine we all have our own opinions etc but thanks for yours “ I’ll leave it at that now “ on the boat side of things the water to roof so I don’t see how you could get a boat threw etc enless it dives like a submarine?
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Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
Also if I may just add a lot of serious people do take a wire brush to clean of graf if they care about a place a lot have witnessed it a lot

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