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Information - Merseyrail Tunnel System - Subterranean Lake with boat plus some unfinished headings...

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
There wont be any photographs of the vents or drainage in detail mate, you'll have to get down there and have a look for yourself for those.

Just standard track runner snaps, its not the place to poke about as you can't hide!

how do you get into the tunnels ? I can’t imagine that you would walk in from the entrances as CCTV would pick you up going through Hamilton Square or James Street if you approached from there?


28DL Regular User
Regular User
One assumes this links to the underground lake under the dry cleaners in Bootle?!

Take these legends with a pinch of salt. There was probably a reservoir or atresian well at some point which may have had a boat on it once to do an inspection. The legend is born and it soon becomes a cavernous affair in the minds eye.

That said I have seen underground "lakes" with actual boats so perhaps its not as impossible as the sceptic in me would think!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Well it wasn’t a myth when it was passed to me from someone who actually worked In the tunnels


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This is something right up my street, entering the tunnels at night is easy but its a fair walk to James Street Station.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Fascinating. Did any of the Cains underground caverns get converted to anything when it was all renovated? Punch Tarmeys has some weird thing going on near the toilets which I’ve never paid much attention to.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This is something right up my street, entering the tunnels at night is easy but it’s a fair walk to James Street Station.
Is it? Do you just walk onto the tracks after midnight? I’ve often wondered this as I’ve been sat at Hamilton square. Aren’t the tracks live even after the last train? How do you know they don’t send an out of service train down there?

I’m just interested as I want to explore that. I don’t fancy getting a £1000 fine though.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The live track is either on the right or the left side of the tracks that the train wheels sit on, the train is connected to the live rail which sets the train in motion. Walking from Hamilton square to James Street would be a fair walk, but i dont know if they send a service train after the last train has departed.


3rd rail DC rails can be isolated in sections but staff are always told to assume it is live. You may like this article

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