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Report - - Middleton Mine - september 2023 (mostly pictures) | Mines and Quarries | Page 2 |

Report - Middleton Mine - september 2023 (mostly pictures)

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Decent pictures considering shot on a phone in that place. I've lost all my photos, but they were pants anyway due to the vastness of the place. I did only have my lid lamp and a P7 in fairness. @Ojay has a massive whopper though, I've seen it...a lovely torch it is 😁

Good effort getting in, nice to see inside again :thumb
Cheers, I use my fenix hm65r all the time even hiking. But recently I got the cl28 2k lumin spotlight and pd65r 1600 lumin hand torch as a back up. Working well so far but my friends hp30r is just insane. Maybe on a other payday 🤑. This place really does eat up your light. Similar to trying to light up some chambers in maenofferen


28DL Member
28DL Member
I found this place today after driving by it 100’s of times and not knowing about it until curiosity got the better of me.

Access looks impossible on first impression.
Is there a hidden way in I couldn’t see from the main open areas?

Thanks in advance


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I found this place today after driving by it 100’s of times and not knowing about it until curiosity got the better of me.

Access looks impossible on first impression.
Is there a hidden way in I couldn’t see from the main open areas?

Thanks in advance
As far as im aware access isnt possible anymore. It use to be very obvious how youd enter.

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