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Report - Mosney Holiday Centre (Ireland)

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Urbex paradise

28DL Member
28DL Member
Mosney Holiday Centre first opened in 1948 as a Butlin’s Holiday Centre, the first outside the UK, and operated as such until 1982 when the camp was sold, taking on the name Mosney from the 1983 season onwards. Located north of Dublin in County Meath, Mosney was popular with Irish holiday makers. People from all over Ireland spent time there and it became a Summer institution for many. School trips to Mosney were popular, especially with schools in Dublin and surrounding counties of Meath and Louth. Families could rent out chalets or camp within the grounds of the holiday centre. There was a ballroom where entertainers called Redcoats put on shows and competitions. There was an indoor water park called Funtropica with all manor of slides, a playground, video arcades, shops, Don Lowry’s bar and Shakers nightclub.

As the years went on and package holidays became more accessible, Mosney could no longer compete. In the mid-nineties, visitor numbers dropped and finding staff for the short 12 week season proved difficult. The decision was made to close in 2000. The Irish government leased Mosney to became an accommodation centre for asylum seekers and the well loved fairground was left abandoned as a result. Some of the other amenities were left in place for the residents of the new Mosney Accommodation Centre including the swimming pool and restaurant. The centre is now under the control of the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service.

The Explore:
I was aware that site was in close proximity to the asylum seekers residential area and that there could be active security measures in place. So I was very cautious and looked around every corner and was ready to take off at any moment. The grass was freshly cut which I thought was unusual for an abandoned area.Every house was almost uniform to each other, however the odd hose had a window on the latch. Inside many houses there were beds and a sink many a dresser, very basic and small.
There was a communal area pic:6,7,8,9,10 close to the edge of the site with a bar and lounge. When I left the community area it became apparent to me that a few of the asylum seekers had been watching me from afar while out walking. I just passed no remarks and carried on and looked at a few more houses. It was then I realised the signs were not for show, there must have been a dozen motion censors around the site unknown to me.

The Getaway:
I decided to call it a day then. When I was walking down the rows of houses, a woman walked out of nowhere about 25m in front of me at pic:11, but she didn't see me. My entry point was no longer a viable option, so I had to walk down an exposed road where I could be easily spotted.
All of a sudden I hear an engine, to my horror its a car speeding down the lane after me. I sprinted out and hopped a fence on to the railway line and down to the beach . Even after that experience I'd still be keen on going back some day. Congratulations if you managed to read all that lol. Third to make this one a bit more detailed than my first one.
















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Mr Wilks

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I worked at the Skegness one for many years (1999-2014) and can say there is still identical buildings and fixtures here as there is around there too.

In a back room within the last few years, I've even spotted at Skegness one of those 60s style fake wooden tables with the four orange placemats (they have a white doily pattern). Also those old chalet style buildings have only just been knocked down. It's familiar even though I've never been. Strange.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Good write up. I'm pretty sure the swimming pool isn't in use. It would be too costly to maintain at an immigration centre, and these places are run for maximum profit.
I was there about ten years ago, and pretty sure I was in one of the former pool rooms, with the pool covered over, to form a wooden floor.

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