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Most expensive thing you've lost on an explore?


Bringer of free Cylumes
28DL Full Member
A couple of years back I was at Whinny Hill FIBUA training ground in Catterick on an exercise and we must have scared off some visitors to the site because I came across a daysack. Inside was a Canon 450D camera, a lens, a small Velbon tripod, a Fenix torch and a few memory cards (All blank) amongst other more trivial crap. I made a few good attempts to find the owners, no questions asked, even went as far as posting on here and a few other sites to see if there might be someone on the off chance that was a user or a lurker who had lost it. I figured it had to be someone interested in the subject at hand rather than a casual visitor as a Fenix torch isn't something you come across outside of explorers really. I never did find out who it was. I still have the stuff to this day.


So I lost my Manfrotto clamp thing for like a month. Could've sworn i left it in the car. Anyway it was gone. A month after It's dissapearance we were enroute to something in Micham when we stopped off at Stewarts plastics to prove to myself it wasn't on the roof. Amazingly it was...


28DL Memb3r
28DL Full Member
I tend not to leave things behind, @goan on the otherhand has left countless things in Mine and @AJ 's cars over the years.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I lost my wallet in Castmaster and went back for it 2hrs later... Luckily it was still there it had my Provisional, Bank Card and Cash!

Lost loads of shit torches ans a nice pair of gloves on their first outing :(


Conspicuous Loiterer
Regular User
This weekend we went 'white water rafting' in Stockport. It had rained and the water was a little choppy.
I managed to fall out into the river Goyt, hung onto an overhanging branch and lost my brand new dinghy, and my passenger.
SLG arrived a few minutes later and saw me dripping on the shore "You appear to be without a boat".
Spotted the dinghy in the Mersey about a mile downstream but couldn't get to it. RIP Little Lee.
