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Report - - Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory August 2020 | Other Sites |

Report - Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory August 2020

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
History -Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory (MRAO) is home to a number of large aperture synthesis radio telescopes, including the One-Mile Telescope, 5-km Ryle Telescope, and the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager. Radio interferometry started in the mid-1940s on the outskirts of Cambridge, but with funding from the Science Research Council and a donation of £100,000 from Mullard Limited, construction of the Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory commenced at Lord's Bridge,[1] a few kilometres to the west of Cambridge. The observatory was founded under Martin Ryle of the Radio-Astronomy Group of the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge and was opened by Sir Edward Victor Appleton on 25 July 1957. This group is now known as the Cavendish Astrophysics Group. A portion of the track bed of the old line, running nearly East-West for several miles, was used to form the main part of the "5km radio-telescope

The explore dead simple really find the access don’t get caught by the onsite security as they do still drive around this part of the site even though it’s abandoned assume it’s because of scrap metal thieves , stay out the way of the cameras they monitor some of the large dishes , on the day it was 35c so was roasting had agreed for a
Long time to try and understand this above ground exploring that bikinglyn always tells me about so thought I would give it a try as had a bit of spare time ! I actually enjoyed it via the sun burning me and me being to arrogant to listen to him saying put trousers on because the stingers and brambles don’t normally see much wildlife in a mine shaft so was a nice change ! Still rate mines above this though so @Bikin Glynn cheers mate for a cool time !

apologies on the crap photos am not use to having daylight to aid me ! I only use a phone it’s no excuse I no but normaly I would smash a camera to peace’s in what I do














Cheers for looking any mistakes feel free to add I’ll change them

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
You do yourself down, D&B your photos are cool. You do a good job of topside explores. But yes listen to those who know the area lol. How many stings did you get?

Oh another note good report & comprehensive too:thumb

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
You do yourself down, D&B your photos are cool. You do a good job of topside explores. But yes listen to those who know the area lol. How many stings did you get?

Oh another note good report & comprehensive too:thumb
Can’t see my skin on shins all re lumps down both fronts from knees to boot lines haha lol!!


Keep it real
28DL Full Member
Is there any risk of getting too close to these things with radio frequencies like masts?

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