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Report - - Newbank House, Sheffield - May 2015 | High Stuff | Page 2 |

Report - Newbank House, Sheffield - May 2015

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ben tony

is there any way me and one of my friends both mid 20's that do the same thing could join you?we've been looking for people around the sheffield area for a while now. get back to me if so :) cheers.


Is this the future?
28DL Full Member
is there any way me and one of my friends both mid 20's that do the same thing could join you?we've been looking for people around the sheffield area for a while now. get back to me if so :) cheers.

Hi, Ben. I've sent you a PM - a response to the one you sent me. Cheers.

Nice photos... pink balloon photo bomb in last pic?

:thumb Captured a moment there.

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