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Night Photography

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Forgot this thread existed. Been doing some in Norwich the last few months before the light gets later.








Cave Monster
28DL Full Member
I'll throw a couple more in now that I've had a chance to look.

The aurora from Formby Point in December.

I was fucking freezing taking this shot!

The Milky Way from Ynys Llanddwyn, off the cost of Anglesey.

So this is a tidal Island, and I knew that before I went, so I checked the tide times and the tide height prediction. It looked as if I was still going to be able to get back across at high tide, based on what I'd read. When I actually came to get off the island, I realised that I hadn't taken into account the strong South Westerly wind that was pushing a storm surge up the Irish sea along with the tide. I was stuck.

I could have waded across and potentially got soaked up to my knees, but I also had a 2-hour drive to get home ahead of me and just thought 'fuck that'!

So I just turned around, went back to the other end of the island and carried on taking photos! Because of the strong wind & high tide, I figured no one was going to bother me while I was taking photos, so I decided to get my kiff off and take a page three shot in the ruins of a church there! 🤪 Lucky for you, this is not that thread! 🤣


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Love that fourth one, @Mikeymutt🐶 The lighting and the contrast in subject between historic and modern is just gorgeous
Thank you. The bridge is fairly new and looks great with the cathedral in the background. The bridge itself is gorgeous with a bend in it and a rusty look. Loving that milky way and auroa shot. I really need to do more night photography again as I love it, just not done much now for a few years.


Cave Monster
28DL Full Member
Thank you. The bridge is fairly new and looks great with the cathedral in the background. The bridge itself is gorgeous with a bend in it and a rusty look. Loving that milky way and auroa shot. I really need to do more night photography again as I love it, just not done much now for a few years.
The juxtaposition of modern and ancient can be jarring at times, but the way you've framed it almost looks like a pathway from the modern to the past.

Thank you, man!

I didn't do a lot of photography for quite a few years, life just got in the way and I didn't prioritise the relief that it can provide as a creative output. It's time to switch off to everything apart from what's in the viewfinder. I hope you manage to rekindle the passion.

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