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Report - - Owlsnest Woods, Bunker and Pool, Kent, September 2020 | Other Sites | Page 3 |

Report - Owlsnest Woods, Bunker and Pool, Kent, September 2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Is there still a shipping container full of book here?

Amazing photos! Such a shame it's been trashed just in the few months it's been in public eye. Was a beauty back in April/May when untouched by anyone.

Did you take any photos of the house, cars, lake or anything other than the pool and bunker?


T-Rex Urbex
28DL Full Member
Is there still a shipping container full of book here?

Amazing photos! Such a shame it's been trashed just in the few months it's been in public eye. Was a beauty back in April/May when untouched by anyone.

Did you take any photos of the house, cars, lake or anything other than the pool and bunker?
some but not worthy of here


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Anyone know who painted over the mural and why?
The owner did sick of people breaking into the house stealing not directing at you but some people just can't keep there hands to there selfs I was going to get pictures of the pool and shelter and can't as the paintings covered real explorer's take nothing and damage stuff left as it sat no false entry so a shout out to the loyal urbex'ers that don't take advantage peace out


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

This is the photo I have of the house. As mookster said, anyone would be stupid to go inside the house because it is alarmed and has camera's.

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