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28DL Full Member
Wevsky, those ones from Pyestock are fucking ace!
cheers mate .i need to get me legs for heights sorted ..even tho for me i got up hign enuff

I'm the same - high shit looks so tempting but I know the vertigo would kick in long before I reach the top!!
Climbed some scaffold up the back of my house a while back - only 2 stories - and almost freaked out at the top... it was a slow shakey descent after that :gay
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off the wall
Regular User
Cat thought something seemed to be missing from the local synchronised swimming class...

Newcastle Road Baths, Sunderland


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Cat thought something seemed to be missing from the local synchronised swimming class...

Newcastle Road Baths, Sunderland

So, if one synchronised swimmer were to drown - would the rest be obliged to do so (in order to avoid dropping marks)?


Staff member
Shame to see this one go; the last tower came down on Wednesday, think that was the one hehind you?

The last one, was the main stairwell', to the left of this shot, all that remains is bricks & twisted metal.

I'll share some pics when I get time to sift through 'em all :thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Met this guy on an explore, said his name was dempsey and also said something about working in a place they make beer? :crazy


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