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Featured Report - - Regal / Granada / Gala, Kettering (including cannabis farm) - February 2019 | Noteworthy Reports | Page 2 |

Featured Report - Regal / Granada / Gala, Kettering (including cannabis farm) - February 2019

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28DL Full Member
This was incredible, having not knowing if they left or even if there's a way out of be terrified to climb down! Awesome story glad it all turned out well


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
If only you'd posted this one day earlier, so close to a 420 post on 4/20!

Seriously though, how stupid do you have to be to do a massive grow in a building where people routinely stick their heads into to explore? It takes months to grow that stuff, if it's a £250,000 grow then just spend £5000 up front for rent in a couple of flats and grow it there! Better for the grow and better for the people growing it.

That fish head soup looks banging though. Something about people living in a sleeping bag on the floor of a dirty abandoned building growing drugs but also chopping up parsley for a nice homemade soup is quite funny to me lol.

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