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RIP Downfallen.

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

What awful news to read on Xmas Day of all days. Sigh. I never knew him,but even so,this is very upsetting. That said,I salute him. Everybody should try and live their life as per his quote,which ukmayhem posted:

Very sad news, like many i have never met DF but was a inspiration to the Urbex world.

My heart goes out to his Family and Friends at this difficult time.

Quote from Skyscrapernews

"I choose to live my life to a different tune of music, one which is not censored or wrapped up so much with a blanket of over regulation, Health and Safety gone mad (because these days it has), fear and blind compliance to anything you are told to do.. a blanket so thick, that you no longer can hear the music. If I'm injured, you'll hear me blaming only one person.. myself. It's acceptance of personal responsibility for my actions... a quality that's very much lacking in society these days."

R.I.P Downfallen

Most people wouldn't do half the things he did in his life,if they lived to 100. As the saying goes,if you didn't laugh,you'd cry. I'm sure many people will and have shed a tear or three at this,but I want to smile when people say his name,not cry. So I shall remember him as a man who took life with both hands and bent it relentlessly to his will. DF pwned life. Life did not pwn him. :)

[and I believe he will return soon in another life. I don't think he jumped off the Eiffel Tower,so...he'll be back...]

p.s. I'm not that good at writing stuff like this,so if I've said something inappropriate,mods please edit.



Hey guys... I decided to register and post a tribute to DF on here after discovering that I'd always known him.

It's testament to his humble approach that very few in the BASE community were actually aware that he was an Urban Explorer aswell.

I had the pleasure of jumping with 'Zoter' on only one occasion but his meticulous attention to detail left a lasting impression after he carefully prepared me for my very first static line jump... then entrusted me to Pilot Chute Assist him for his jump... and for those who don't know, that is a huge responsibility for someone and is literally akin to putting his life in my hands.

I have only just now been drawn to his youtube video collection and seen the utterly impressive EIE volumes 1 and 2.

WOW !!... what a fabulous talent he had both with the camera and editing his work into an artform.

I love to shoot video myself and would be content to be half as good as DF.. who I'm sure had not even shown us his best yet... :Not Worthy

Tomorrow morning... 28th of December... myself and 4 fellow BASE family members will make a tribute jump for Zoter/Downfallen at a rather iconic but totally legal South East sea cliff.

Base 229 will make his 1000th BASE jump and 1284 & 1285 will do their 200th... and our newest member will complete BASE by making the jump.

The plan is to shoot lots of footage and edit it up into a great video that I'll post the link to on here at it's completion.

I truly hope that DF's passing will bring about a cool union between BASE and UE... Downfallen was clever enough to realise that BASE and UE have much to benefit from by coordinating... while some in the BASE world have over inflated ego's and become possessive about the objects they find to jump he was wise enough to see where he could find access information readily.

Clever boy... ;)

I'll take this opportunity to pass on the collective condolences of the UK BASE community to all the Urban Explorers who feel his passing leaves them with an empty void... but lets celebrate the fact that he lived his dream... and died pushing the boundaries of human endeavour.

Why tiptoe thru life just to arrive safely at death...?

Much respect to you all

BASE 1268... :cool:


Pure bellend
28DL Full Member
Hey guys... I decided to register and post a tribute to DF on here after discovering that I'd always known him.

It's testament to his humble approach that very few in the BASE community were actually aware that he was an Urban Explorer aswell.

I had the pleasure of jumping with 'Zoter' on only one occasion but his meticulous attention to detail left a lasting impression after he carefully prepared me for my very first static line jump... then entrusted me to Pilot Chute Assist him for his jump... and for those who don't know, that is a huge responsibility for someone and is literally akin to putting his life in my hands.

I have only just now been drawn to his youtube video collection and seen the utterly impressive EIE volumes 1 and 2.

WOW !!... what a fabulous talent he had both with the camera and editing his work into an artform.

I love to shoot video myself and would be content to be half as good as DF.. who I'm sure had not even shown us his best yet... :Not Worthy

Tomorrow morning... 28th of December... myself and 4 fellow BASE family members will make a tribute jump for Zoter/Downfallen at a rather iconic but totally legal South East sea cliff.

Base 229 will make his 1000th BASE jump and 1284 & 1285 will do their 200th... and our newest member will complete BASE by making the jump.

The plan is to shoot lots of footage and edit it up into a great video that I'll post the link to on here at it's completion.

I truly hope that DF's passing will bring about a cool union between BASE and UE... Downfallen was clever enough to realise that BASE and UE have much to benefit from by coordinating... while some in the BASE world have over inflated ego's and become possessive about the objects they find to jump he was wise enough to see where he could find access information readily.

Clever boy... ;)

I'll take this opportunity to pass on the collective condolences of the UK BASE community to all the Urban Explorers who feel his passing leaves them with an empty void... but lets celebrate the fact that he lived his dream... and died pushing the boundaries of human endeavour.

Why tiptoe thru life just to arrive safely at death...?

Much respect to you all

BASE 1268... :cool:

Very well said mate.

Hope the tribute jump goes well, if you could post any video's etc that you make, im sure we would all be interested in seeing them.

Power Junkie

Tomorrow morning... 28th of December... myself and 4 fellow BASE family members will make a tribute jump for Zoter/Downfallen at a rather iconic but totally legal South East sea cliff.

Goes without saying, but please be careful chaps and I'd love to see the footage all edited together.

DF has inspired me to take up skydiving and one day I hope I have the balls to BASE.
'Wings' has thankfully pointed me in the right direction, so one day I hope to be able to jump with you guys.


Za Gringo

28DL Zoo Member
28DL Full Member
I always found his reports truly heartwarming and inspirational. The capture was wonderful, the spots new and refreshing, the editing, colorful and clean, the report format clear. etc.

I also loved the way he would just get on with it. IE: spot something, check watch, check batteries, quick scan, look left, look right, job done. Also his curiosity to look for more, once inside.

When i discovered his other hobby, that cleared up his high stuff urge, his clear line of sight and his altitude readouts. Despite this now obvious reason it wasn't his sole one. He seemed to regularly push boundaries and gave things more than a go. Also his decision to share that experience with others despite knowing that it could jeopardize future jumps. We will never know how many people looked at one of his reports and were moved to the point of "Ive gotta see that" or even, "Ive gotta get out more and find shit like that" .

Thank you DF for giving back ( not that you needed to ), for sharing your reports, and for being an inspiration to others. As a result you have left a legacy.

Its the reports!! and the community that stems from them, that inspires and makes these sites work. Without a doubt, yours were wayyyyyyy up there. ( Just my 2 cents! )

Poetically enough, the only pic i have of him is a long exposure with him and Angel only in the frame for a short time, leaving a ghostly image, whilst playing imaginary air hockey against each other on a black marbled slab below street level.

Long live Down Fallen

props to everyone involved in UE and BASE, take care out there. pps. One of these days, ill have a pop at a jump. thanks again DF


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Very sad to hear this. His photography was very memorable and always stood out to me. The first time I saw the shot of him standing on the edge of the sticky out part of the roof I could have sworn it was photoshopped but was promptly corrected by my other half!!! heronhd328.jpg (image) Love this shot!! Just one example of his top quality work and how it has stood out to others.


Very shocking news, I was so sorry to read about Downfallen's death :(

But as so many here have said, he died doing something he loved. My thoughts and blessings to all his loved ones.


Rest in peace. Never knew him but he will live on in his excellent reports.

Condolences and sympathies to his friends and family.


28DL Member
28DL Member
I didn't know Downfallen. I have never done an Urbex. I am S**T scared of heights. I have little place to comment here.

However, I am in awe of Downfallens work. I admire the work of all Urbexers. And in order to be like Downfallen and live life to the full I promise to overcome my fear of heights.

My thoughts and prayers are with Downfallens family and friends at this sad, sad time.

RIP Downfallen - may the angels BASE with you from here on in


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I didn't know DF. But I was aware of him from posts he made on a skydiving forum. I never knew of his other interests either (obviously a very modest and understated bloke) but in a post about his death, someone posted a link to some of his videos (EIE vol 1&2) that took my breath away! I've been looking though his amazing reports and am hoping to get involved in UE in the near future. I hope that his friends and family can take some comfort in knowing that even death, DF still inspires people. RIP.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
this is sad sad news i never met downfallen but spoke over pm as was interested in getting into skydiving and hopefully base. i always admired his work and his photos was like no other, he relighted my spirit to get back into ue and take photos again and i will miss seeing his work. RIP

Moons on fire

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
His exploits and photos were just so exciting and amazing a real must see and read when he posted. My heartfelt sympathy to his family and friends, this is so sad.

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