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Report - - Royal London Hospital (Outpatients Department) - January 2023 / June 2024 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Royal London Hospital (Outpatients Department) - January 2023 / June 2024

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Royal London Hospital (Outpatients Department) - January 2023 / June 2024

In 1897 the hospitals’ outpatients department had outgrown its basement accommodation and following a donation from shipbuilding magnate Alfred Yarrow, a new purpose-built building was constructed on a site previously occupied by 35 early 19th century terraced houses. The new building, designed by Rowland Plumbe, was completed in 1903. It was - at the time - the largest medical and surgical outpatients building of its type in Britain.

The site also includes the 4-storey former outpatients annex which was built in 1935/36 to designs by architects Adams, Holden & Pearson to provide a home for the Department of Physical Medicine and the School of Physiotherapy.

The department closed to patients in 2012 when the hospital moved to its new premises, although part of the basement was used for storing medical records until more recently.

This place is no stranger to the forum (or social media for that matter) and I have visited twice, once in January 2023 with @raisinwing, @Humpa and @dweeb and again solo in June 2024. In the last year and a half the place has managed to lose all of its copper pipes and gain some PIRs with little cameras inside them. It’s partly nice and old and partly horrid and modernised but I quite like the place. I’m not sure what the future holds but it was granted an immunity from being listed in 2017 which sounds ominous.

The main outpatients department. I neglected to take an external shot of the annex but it's a wonderful looking mid-30s building.



Royal London Hospital Outpatients Dept, London - 28th January (4).jpg

30s annex

Royal London Hospital (Outpatients Dept) - 9th June (2).jpg


Royal London Hospital (Outpatients Dept) - 9th June (5).jpg




Surgical outpatients


Royal London Hospital (Outpatients Dept) - 9th June (44).jpg

Royal London Hospital (Outpatients Dept) - 9th June (42).jpg

Royal London Hospital (Outpatients Dept) - 9th June (31).jpg

Royal London Hospital Outpatients Dept, London - 28th January (8).jpg

Royal London Hospital (Outpatients Dept) - 9th June (20).jpg



Royal London Hospital (Outpatients Dept) - 9th June (9).jpg

This part was fresh with the lights on last year... Now battered

Royal London Hospital (Outpatients Dept) - 9th June (18).jpg

Royal London Hospital (Outpatients Dept) - 9th June (19).jpg



Royal London Hospital (Outpatients Dept) - 9th June (27).jpg

Royal London Hospital (Outpatients Dept) - 9th June (33).jpg


Royal London Hospital (Outpatients Dept) - 9th June (35).jpg

A rather industrious looking hydrotherapy pool to end with

Royal London Hospital (Outpatients Dept) - 9th June (46).jpg

Royal London Hospital (Outpatients Dept) - 9th June (47).jpg



Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
Lovely stuff, looks cracking. Had it on my list for a while but never got round to it, got the impression secca were pretty good but no idea


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Lovely stuff, looks cracking. Had it on my list for a while but never got round to it, got the impression secca were pretty good but no idea

I think as long as you're aware of the potential consequences of wandering around in front of the PIRs/cameras you'll be fine. I certainly had a nice relaxed mooch anyway.

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