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Report - - ‘Side Mine’, High Tor Colour Works/Rockwood Pigments, Matlock, Derbyshire – December 2020 | Mines and Quarries |

Report - ‘Side Mine’, High Tor Colour Works/Rockwood Pigments, Matlock, Derbyshire – December 2020

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Some history pillaged from the below sources…

Peak District Mining Historical Society:

‘Approximately 1760's. Side Mine adit at the rear of the colour works. There is a strong historical link with the colour works and one of several weirs erected on the Derwent to drain the mines. The weir had a 1201 feet linkage from the waterwheel to the pumps in the mine.’

Excellent report by @HughieD

‘The site also contains the entrance to Side Mine, a former lead mine. Mining finished in 1844 when the owner gave up his attempts to drain the workings of water. The red colour on the walls and roof comes from residue from the pigment factory when excess pigment was blown into the mine via ventilation fans.’

The site is now up for sale as a ‘residential development opportunity’ and current owners Heights of Abraham have recently tidied the place up and emptied out all the sheds of old cable car crap, so hopefully something good will be done with the site before too long.

Some sales bumf can be read here:

Having visited the colour works a couple of times in the past, we realised that we hadn’t paid much attention to the former lead mine and made plans to go have a proper look. Considering the colour works have had many reports on the forum, there has only been 1 that has shown any pictures of the ‘red mine’ – see the fine report by @tarkovsky here:

The mine has been referred to by a few names, including ‘Side Mine’, ‘Slit Mine’ and ‘Paint Mill Adit’. There looks to be some interesting workings on lower levels but all flooded unfortunately.

Visited with @Gsxrwayne on a horrid morning in December




Flooded lower workings could be seen in the void under the pipe, however by the time we'd reached the end and came back the water had turned bright red and I was unable to photograph them


Tackling the pipe of doom


A sizable chamber with some vivid colours







And some bits from the topside for good measure



Some nice graff by Coloquix, Stog and Trik





Upstairs in a little office space are these colour sample chart things where you can see all the colours your clothes can become stained with during your time here



Suspicious footprints






28DL Regular User
Regular User
As always, fantastic stuff @MotionlessMike

You went deep into there so respect mate. Didn't realise this place was doable still. Is the side mine/cave with the giant jenga in still open?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
you can also drop down the big cog in the flor and follow that under the building, not much to see down there like.. i call that mine the shit hole cos you get covered in shit that area with the hole in the floor aint the best thing to see when your in there either..

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