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Question - SRT Ascenders

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MBMM for short
28DL Full Member
I'm not sure what sort of heights I'll be doing yet. It's just something I've decided that I want to learn and get kitted up for to expand my UE limits. I think the more things we can learn like this to aid us, the greater possibilities there are for explores.

Looks like I'll be investing in a separate harness and rope for srt then. I can only imagine what a nightmare it would be with a climbing harness and dynamic rope!!

Did a 80 ft on dynamic foot with prussiks. First ten feet was just stretching the rope, next twenty feet was bouncing up and down - does not install confidence in the rope. Did make me appreciate a static rope and ascender though:)

Cheap static rope for the win, I can vouch for this site Static Ropes


1 of them cnuts off 28dsl
28DL Full Member
What sort of height you doing? If less than 100ft, grigri and ascender without chest is quick if you need rapid exits. Never had problem with my climbing harness with possition. It should only last 5 mins tops anyway at around 100ft. Lower heights are quick enough to make no difference.

Chest harness may be good for stuff over 100ft/longer than 5 mins. Chest is defiantly good if you have to squeeze through a small hole at the top of an ascension ;)

I just say horses for courses srt harness for srt climbing for climbing:)
I personally just think tried and tested is best and cavers have been doing it the way speed showed for years that was the way i was taught by my caving club and the way my rope course taught me and il always stick to it as i trust it id rather be slow and safe than quick and dead.
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1 of them cnuts off 28dsl
28DL Full Member
Did a 80 ft on dynamic foot with prussiks. First ten feet was just stretching the rope, next twenty feet was bouncing up and down - does not install confidence in the rope. Did make me appreciate a static rope and ascender though:)

Cheap static rope for the win, I can vouch for this site Static Ropes

Decent rope is worth it mate cheap is shit,Got some nice black one that the sas use just sold it to god else you could have bought it off me i sold it pretty cheap too brand new :)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Decent rope is worth it mate cheap is shit,Got some nice black one that the sas use just sold it to god else you could have bought it off me i sold it pretty cheap too brand new :)

Story of my life that is mate, always just a bit too late lol :banghead


1 of them cnuts off 28dsl
28DL Full Member
Story of my life that is mate, always just a bit too late lol :banghead

Lol trust me mate stick to the old fashion way that speed showed its a good safe way and works a treat its used by most caving clubs and you can even buy the full kit most of the lads who cave on here like spungle use the avanti its simple and works a treat,
The rope buy decent if you are going to be doing it for some time spungle got some cheap decent stuff recently if i remember him saying.
Fuck me you could buy some off me got about 3 full srt kits all new and 3 rope ladders never used lol that are taking up space in my bedroom :)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Lol trust me mate stick to the old fashion way that speed showed its a good safe way and works a treat its used by most caving clubs and you can even buy the full kit most of the lads who cave on here like spungle use the avanti its simple and works a treat,
The rope buy decent if you are going to be doing it for some time spungle got some cheap decent stuff recently if i remember him saying.
Fuck me you could buy some off me got about 3 full srt kits all new and 3 rope ladders never used lol that are taking up space in my bedroom :)

Yeah I like the look of the way speed showed the most. I'm a great believer of buying something decent only once. I've found in the past that if you buy cheap, you end up upgrading at some point.

Are you willing to sell one of your SRT kits? If so, what have you got? Feel free to PM rather than discuss on here if you prefer.


28DL Regular User
Regular User

Thats useful

Dont fanny about with a home brewed concoction of stuff, its just not worth it. Not worth it if you wish to do SRT in anger anyway. By all means have a practice with different kit if its safe but for anything real world whether it be caving or UE make sure you get the kit thats made for the job.

- Static rope
- Petzl Stop to go down (especially in tight or unknown spaces)
- Petzl Croll and either a Basic or a hand ascender to go up Getting a chest harness that fits tightly and stops the croll from flapping around is extra important imo.

That info's spot on. Just one personal addition would be a Pantin.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Could the Petzl Stop be substituted for a Petzl Grigri 2? I've read some reviews where the Petzl Stop isn't that great because when you ascend, the rope leaks back out and you drop back down slightly with each ascension.

If the Grigri 2 would be a suitable replacement then I think a good setup would be the Grigri2, Pezl Croll and Petzl hand ascender with the harness that spungletrumpet recommended. A nice length of static and a few other bits and bobs should see me up and running.

I'd not heard of the Pantin, looks like a nifty little device and I was amazed how quick you can get up the rope with one on each foot!


1 of them cnuts off 28dsl
28DL Full Member
Could the Petzl Stop be substituted for a Petzl Grigri 2? I've read some reviews where the Petzl Stop isn't that great because when you ascend, the rope leaks back out and you drop back down slightly with each ascension.

If the Grigri 2 would be a suitable replacement then I think a good setup would be the Grigri2, Pezl Croll and Petzl hand ascender with the harness that spungletrumpet recommended. A nice length of static and a few other bits and bobs should see me up and running.

I'd not heard of the Pantin, looks like a nifty little device and I was amazed how quick you can get up the rope with one on each foot!

Thats because people dont know how to use the stop correctly they pull the handle to go down then realese it to stop which is incorrect you pull the handle to go down then use the rope with the other hand to brake and to adjust the speed of the ascent also people do not lock them off and wonder why they slowly go down the rope.
You should always lock a stop off its quite simple pass the rope through it and you can dangle without dropping.

The idea of a stop is that should you pass out once the handle is realesed you dont drop to your death its that simple rope control is still the main function of the stop the handle is just to go if that makes sense.

that explains what i mean
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1 of them cnuts off 28dsl
28DL Full Member
Winch FTW!!

DHL, did you want to flog any of your srt stuff?
I do but i never get around to actually selling it took god months to get the rope lol.
Lol ive got that much shit that i just have to go through it all how much of a rush are you in.
And what you after the brand new kit or 2nd hand its all legit and bought from caving supplies.

p.s watch out for the fake cheap petzl stuff its got a lower breaking strain :mad: fucking cunts faking stuff like that.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I'm not in a massive rush but would prefer it sooner rather than later. I'd be after the new stuff preferably and a decent length rope if you've got any for sale?

I've heard about the fake Petzl gear knocking about. Fucking shocking when it's something your life depends on! I usually get my gear from reputable dealers rather than somewhere like eBay.

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