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Question - SRT Ascenders

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Official Smartarse
Regular User
"everyone uses them" has always been a bad reason to use anything.

Stops can fail for a variety of reasons, and the current practices of how to use them have developed over time as more and more people have found out their failings.

Also, you can't go that fast on them.


1 of them cnuts off 28dsl
28DL Full Member
"everyone uses them" has always been a bad reason to use anything.

Also, you can't go that fast on them.

Long term safety record is also a good term to use hence why "everyone uses them" and why cavers with 15-20 years experience use them !!

your issue is more the speed issue:D
What have i told you take your time and enjoy it instead of rushing and bottoming out too quickly the ladies will appreciate it more.:p:

Yes they are not the best on dirty muddy wet ropes but then like i said horses for courses and thats where a fig 8 comes in and where you decide what to use depending on the rope and pitch.
But its up to the op if it was me and i was starting out with srt id STILL go with the stop.


Official Smartarse
Regular User
Not the best on wet muddy ropes?

You mean like the types commonly found in caves?

If I were starting out, and had the weight of body, I'd be using a DSD.

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