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28DL and UE in the News The Daily Mail again

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
In the case of the O2, you messaged me after doing it to essentially thank me for bringing it to your attention. Just to make clear - I posted my photos a few months after I climbed it on a private account.

I wasn't the first, I used the same route in as GAJ and Keitei a couple of years back. Despite all of this and acknowledging you'd be a dick to post a video, you still went ahead with that a day or two later.

If you're attempting to say in this thread that you're not a massive cunt, then you need to give yourself a checking over.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
In the case of the O2, you messaged me after doing it to essentially thank me for bringing it to your attention. Just to make clear - I posted my photos a few months after I climbed it on a private account.

I wasn't the first, I used the same route in as GAJ and Keitei a couple of years back. Despite all of this and acknowledging you'd be a dick to post a video, you still went ahead with that a day or two later.

If you're attempting to say in this thread that you're not a massive cunt, then you need to give yourself a checking over.

You definitely have me there. The reason I went ahead with the video was because it had been on somebody else's list for a while and he was planning to hit it and make a vid. You even said to me, "hopefully it doesn't get burnt by nightscape". After I made the video he was put off. That was my reasoning at the time. I figured the baiting out was inevitable.


living in a cold world
Regular User
What, you didn't want someone else taking the glory away from your video from a site you'd "poached" from someone else? Mind boggling.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
What, you didn't want someone else taking the glory away from your video from a site you'd "poached" from someone else? Mind boggling.

I wouldn't say poached. I had been wanting to do it for a while before I saw it on instagram. Even after I saw it on instagram I still wasn't sure about it. That night, we were actually planning to hit the cranes next to the o2 but we ran into 4 guys (I think they have np on here) who were keen on trying the o2. All 7 of us tried to make it up the o2 but failed after we were shouted at by secca. Them 4 left a bit later, but a friend and I were still determined so we tried some other access point.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The entire “urbex video” format, besides being completely cringeworthy, is basically readymade video “content” for websites like the Daily Mail and The Sun, complete with your CAPS LOCK clickbait titles, so you can hardly act surprised when it gets picked up.

You keep saying you “really shouldn’t have done that”, that you “didn’t want to ruin it for others”, and that you've “ been a bit of a dick”. So do you actually not give a shit, or do you just have no self control? Is the meaningless instant gratification you get from the YouTube views and Instagram likes really worth denying other people the opportunity to explore and enjoy these places for themselves? You appear to think so.

Only just seen this reply (I think because you had me blocked? not sure). I started climbing stuff with kids who do parkour and don't take exploring very seriously. We would train all day, and when it got dark we would mess about, have fun climbing stuff, and post shitty videos or phone pictures without anybody giving a fuck. Places never got locked down and I still haven't seen that happen. Parkour was the main focus (criticise it all you want). Obviously the morals are a bit different in that community. And yeah the likes and views were all meaningless until I started making money which just made me want to make more videos. Yeah, call me a sellout. Only recently I've realised how fucked that is and that's why I've been more apologetic. However, I've been no more of a sellout than somebody stealing shit from places and selling it on ebay for a bit of money. If any of you guys think that is ethical then fuckk that!! I refuse to take shit from ANYBODY who thinks that (and breaking and entering) is okay! Even in the parkour community that's a big fucking no no!


big in japan
Regular User
Everyone, stop being fannies. No idea how you made three thousand pounders Dali llarmington but whatever. Would take 6 months worth of solid ebaying stolen antiques for some people on here to get that. You're no better than vadim and vitaly and mustang wanted and James Kingston, but they get to travel the world at the expense of loads of massive companies and are probably having way too much fun to care about the fact that no one apart from a load of lad-bible right swiping iPhone cretins has any respect for them. Some people value the international community more than money. Some people think the money is worth being outcast by us fusty old men and don't give a fuck. Up to you man, do what you want. Depends what you're interested in.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Everyone, stop being fannies. No idea how you made three thousand pounders Dali llarmington but whatever. Would take 6 months worth of solid ebaying stolen antiques for some people on here to get that. You're no better than vadim and vitaly and mustang wanted and James Kingston, but they get to travel the world at the expense of loads of massive companies and are probably having way too much fun to care about the fact that no one apart from a load of lad-bible right swiping iPhone cretins has any respect for them. Some people value the international community more than money. Some people think the money is worth being outcast by us fusty old men and don't give a fuck. Up to you man, do what you want. Depends what you're interested in.

5k actually :thumb I'm not in it for the money, but I'd much rather be thrown in with that lot than be considered a part of this "community" where stealing shit isn't frowned upon.


big in japan
Regular User
5k actually :thumb I'm not in it for the money, but I'd much rather be thrown in with that lot than be considered a part of this "community" where stealing shit isn't frowned upon.

Well, yeah. On the face of it, it's a lot smarter to be selling YouTube ad-space and wearing the right tshirts than baiting yourself out for attempted burglary carting a bag full of rusty lamp shades out the back door of a mill. More people will think you're a cunt, but it'll only be people on here . Don't get me wrong, 6 thousand quid for doing what I do anyway would be cracking, but I just couldn't be doing with the fact that some of the best communities and some of my best friends in the world would want nothing to do with me and that id have to go to sleep at night knowing id connned a million instalikers in to thinking climbing up a ladder was hard.
I'm not actually having a go, I don't really have an opinion, it's just all this rowing back and forth and back and forth seems a bit daft. If you're in, you're in: Come to the parties, travel the scenes of the world and maybe see what else is under the surface. If not, also fine. Do the instgram thing, make loads of cheddar, hang out with the parkour lads and spend the last days of your youth jumping over bollards and dangling off cranes, it's just that when you and everyone else get bored of it, no of us lot will want to know.
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Sounds like your slowly disappearing up your own arse sunshine. Carry on like cos if gravity dont get you then the Met will and all that money you gained will soon go on a solicitor.

So when did we stop making valid arguments and just start mouthing off at people? This guy's an admin? Whattttt??

Squirrell 911

28DL Regular User
Regular User
So when did we stop making valid arguments and just start mouthing off at people? This guy's an admin? Whattttt??

I am because I like many on here have been doing this shit since you were swimming round in the milkmans bollocks. Your covering old ground mate barring the new buildings. Aww, did the nasty admin get a bit shouty at you? Deal with it buttercup......


28DL Full Member
If you've got accusations and can back them up, just say it, now is the time.

Otherwise I'll just assume you're just another sheep following the UAT butthurt

He doesn't have credible accusations, what he will have is posts from some twats blog/Site from 4 years ago accusing people from this forum of things he couldn't/will never be able to prove. That guy obviously had nothing better to do than go off on a half arsed vendetta against you guys.

Like you said OT following the UAT butthurt.

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