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28DL and UE in the News The Daily Mail again

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subterranean explorer
Regular User
Somebody puts non public on facebook & youtube, sells them to the daily mail
then accuses members of pilfering but nobody seems bothered?
I sometimes unintentionally say something which may not be relevant,
but your all so quick to troll me or like all the negative comments about me?
I put some very good threads on here & stick to forum rules,
believe in constructive criticism but not trolling.
its getting a bit tiresome now :(
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I Go Where The Drains Are
Regular User
See, no fuckon wukkas brah. Keep up the good fight. I lost my photos of Macro. Whole roll of 36, in Sept 2010. Fucking bus cleaner threw them out. Bypass, Pandora, the whole lot. Doin' services bruv.


Staff member
I shudder to think how many decent drain photatoes you have 'lost' of the years :(


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hope I'm not drifting things off topic by adding my tuppence-worth, but...

I mainly just post stuff from construction sites, which are only temporary explores and don't really seem to increase security due to a few pictures or videos.

The sites may be temporary, but the same firms will get the security contracts for new places. I'm sure they will watch the Youtube vids, learn, patch the holes, be more prepared. I've not got the experience some have on 28DL, but I imagine access isn't generally getting easier.

And no, I doubt I will get a CBO here. To get a CBO you have to first be brought in front of a criminal court for a criminal offence. I haven't even been caught for civil trespass and police don't seem to give a shit about that.

Matthew Adams etc. were done under Section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986: 'disorderly behaviour, within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress thereby.' Then they were slapped with the CBO. 'A person' could maybe have been secca. It is up to the defendant to prove they had 'no reason to believe that there was any person within hearing or sight who was likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress.' Which just emphasises the point in general about being sly.


28DL Member
28DL Member
As someone with an unfortunate experience of exploring in London I would not be making anything public that can be used against you even if you have done nothing wrong in the process, trust me shouting out in the daily wrags and TV is NOT worth the little amount of money you get in return if the police or companies get upset enough at your adventures...
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Staff member
As someone with an unfortunate experience of exploring in London I would not be making anything public that can be used against you even if you have done nothing wrong in the process, trust me shouting out in the daily wrags and TV is NOT worth the little amount of money you get in return if the police or companies get upset enough at your adventures...

Well you certainly got your fingers burnt with Brad, this is exactly what will happen when you go for the fame and fortune, its best to keep the decent stuff fully off the radar, the stories are often better than any pics anyway


28DL Member
28DL Member
Well you certainly got your fingers burnt with Brad, this is exactly what will happen when you go for the fame and fortune, its best to keep the decent stuff fully off the radar, the stories are often better than any pics anyway
Exactly I wouldn't wish anyone to go through what a lot of us did for 15mins of fame you live and learn fingers well and truly burnt...


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I have to admit I do enjoy DL's videos.
But the O2 one pissed me off a tad because the access you showed was basically the only one. I bet the whole place will be locked down even more now which sucks.

On a side note, can you stay away from a certain tall tower under construction next to the Tate, until it's topped?
Last thing that place needs is Southbank Tower V2.
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