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Report - - The Halo - Kings Cross, London - 2014 | High Stuff |

Report - The Halo - Kings Cross, London - 2014


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

The Halo Building

Not a lot of info on this building online, well there wasn't for the 10 seconds i spent searching. Not a lot really to say on it, its high enough to get a decent enough view, not too high wasn't too tired by the time i reached the roof. SJP originally stuck this up as a lead and i followed up that lead one night with a non member. When we first arrived around 9PM we found what we would use for access immediately but being its proximity to a very packed pub next door and with some of those people outside smoking and drinking etc it made sense to come back a little bit later, we killed about 3 hours drinking in said pub and also the hotel across the road. Midnight and it was time to party, in we went and up we started to go. While on the second floor while going up the core, noticed a sign telling me to use the other stairwell, seeing as there was metal piled up everywhere and not wanting to make a sound, walked around the corner to find this other stairwell but instead found secca sitting in his office looking down and reading his paper, cant of been more than a 3 or 4m away from him and backtracked up the noisy way, of which there was some. I guess, he just didn't care, or didn't hear, either way, headed up the roof, had a little play, had a little drink and took a couple of photos. The exit was even less eventful.











Flaxenation of the G!!!
Regular User
nice one mate, not a bad view from up there. This was next on my list before I ended up in hospital lol. looks better than I expected :thumb


The Green Giraffe
28DL Full Member
Loving the contrast between the warm orange and cold white street lights :thumb

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