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Report - - The Palace Theatre - Swansea - April 2011 | Theatres and Cinemas | Page 2 |

Report - The Palace Theatre - Swansea - April 2011

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Eagerly awaited works they are! Seems the whole city is behind it. It was great news when the council finally managed to take the building off its former owners.

The area where it is has become a terrible place, so hopefully the regeneration of the Palace can breath a new life into the area.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
We first checked this out a year ago but decided it was better to leave it for another day when we were more prepared. This time we made it inside.. Access was fun and had a nice surprise for me.. (not for dweeb however! :p)

To be honest i was a little disappointed. I had seen pictures of the inside and knew it was a bit 'clubbed out' but i was hoping there would be a few more interesting 'hidden' bits than there was. The theatre is very small and almost every area was used by the club that operated in there. The gods is still quite good, with original benches in place and the original flys and lighting rig remains above the stage. Everything else was pretty un-interesting unfortunatly!





Thats Looks Epic Great Photos

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