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Report - - Thorpe St Andrew Asylum Nurses Block, Norfolk - October 2022 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Thorpe St Andrew Asylum Nurses Block, Norfolk - October 2022

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
This is a place I have known for many years, and I always used to drive past thinking I’d never get in there, as it’s alarmed and there are no boards or smashed windows, etc, but after seeing it pop up on FB and also Mikeymutt giving it a go, me and v50jake managed to get it done shortly after.

Information & History
The original Thorpe St Andrews Asylum opened in 1814 and was later named Norfolk Mental Hospital and then later as St Andrew’s Hospital. The site had several different sections, the main building which has now been long converted into housing, the annexe which has been mostly demolished and the nurse's block which remains.

When the main asylum closed, a purpose-built mental facility known as The Norvic Clinic was constructed behind the original annexe. The Nurses Block was then repurposed to be part of The Norvic Clinic and then closed later. I believe it was closed in 2013, but a few sources point to a 2016 closure. Meadowlands closed as it was deemed ‘not fit for purpose’, probably partly due to some of the incidents that occurred on the site with the patients. One incident involved a female patient committing suicide a day after a rape case was thrown out after she befriended a sex offender in a mixed ward. Jurors said failings of care contributed to her suicide and new guidelines were then introduced to ensure that convicted criminals were not admitted to low-security units. It seems ridiculous to me that a male sex offender was able to mix with a low-risk patient.

The site stands derelict today and has been for years. I was told by a source a few years ago that they had live-in security on the site some time again but I couldn’t find much evidence on site to back that claim, there definitely used to be some form of security though. The building has had some renovations, probably around the period it was re-purposed from the nurse's block to the Meadowlands facility, but there are still some lovely features including a really good staircase which was the main highlight for me.

On to the photos, starting off with that lovely staircase...



The larger, communal areas:



Some corridor shots




Another set of stairs, albeit not as grand as the main ones!


As mentioned above, many original features remain including these old doors, but the fireplace has been filled:


Writing on the walls allegedly written by the patients


A few more shots including the rooms etc:






It's started to get grubby in places with some decay here and there:




And a few externals to conclude:




Thanks for reading!


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Lovely stuff!
Thanks mate
The stair case is a good one. I like the og doors you pointed out. For me og features in a building is what its about. Or decay. Both appealing. Nice report
Thanks Jane, I agree I love the original features of buildings
Enjoyed that. Pretty good nick still.
Thanks mate, it's a nice one. Makes me wonder what it will be like in a few years time though
Captured it well mate. In the grand scheme of things, this place stayed opened longer than it should have.
Thanks mate, yeah definetely, think me and Jake did it a good 2 or 3 months after it popped up, surprised it was still open!


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Anyone know if the Nurse's clinic survived the fire in October?
Yep, the Nurse's block is situated away from the main bit. The main bit has now been fully demolished. The nurses unit is in poor condition now though, the scrappers have been in.

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