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Report - - Turner Brothers Asbestos (Flexitallic), Rochdale, January 2021 | Industrial Sites |

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Quick revisit to TBA in a very slighty snowy January
On this visit we only entered the smaller looking building at the rear of the site. Fire Procedure notices show the building was once called TBA Flexitallic. After speaking to locals i have come to the conclusion that throughout this buildings lifetime it was used as a origionally Boiler room and then Telford Rubber Processors. People state that it was last used as the rubber processors but the paperwork on the site would suggest otherwise. Either way the building never housed asbestos unlike the rest of the site and no asbestos ever passed through it. If you were to get onto the roof of this building i believe that it would guve you a good view over the site although we didnt. Entry was easy and as i say with every post on here i reccomend wearing a mak and gloves due to the nature of what was produced here.








You appear to have posted this twice with a different set of images
Yeh this one is the Flexitallic building. Got different history to the rest of the turners site as it wasnt acctually used to manurfacture any asbestos. Just figured i would put it on a second report if thats okay?


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
January 4th the country went into national lockdown, from what I can find before that Rochdale was in tier 4.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
January 4th the country went into national lockdown, from what I can find before that Rochdale was in tier 4.
If we really wanted to, we could check exif , If the owner hasnt hidden it, which most dont. I checked it on an account on here, found the exact time & date, and they matched with a banned members photos. So it has its uses

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