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Report - Vauxhall Sky Gardens

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
"A breathtaking statement of contemporary urban living in one of London's best connected and emerging riverside neighbourhoods."

I forgot, from my last visit to the building, just how long the stairs take to climb. Maybe we're just unfit but we had to have about 3 breaks and I remember sweat was literally dripping off my face nearing the summit. (Also there's no phone signal on-top of the tower, which I found quite weird)

Here is a picture looking into London.
Glass has been put up on the edges which ruined my photos of the view a little.

Here is the view of London.
Please excuse the reflection, I couldn't avoid it.

Here is a picture of the same style, looking the opposite way.
(Unfortunately the crane is virtually impossible to access now and will likely be taken down in a few weeks)

Thanks for reading.
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Screw Loose

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Looks good this like, would love to do some of the high stuff, however being scared of heights puts a bit of a dampner on that haha
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