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Report - Warwickshire Masonic Temple- Birmingham - Oct 18

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subterranean explorer
Regular User
Stop ruining very good reports, insulting members & been a goon.
28 days is an exploring site, not tourist information may I suggest you use your own initiative & do some research.
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I have literally no idea how to get in here, in fact can someone send me the location?

Hi mate, its quiet easy tbf you can work it out when you get there. Look on the plack to help narrow down the address P,S you need to get into the compound then its easy


Queller of the uprising
Hi mate, its quiet easy tbf you can work it out when you get there. Look on the plack to help narrow down the address P,S you need to get into the compound then its easy

What the actual feck are you going on about?

You’re the one who asked for advice on how to access this location. I did include some advice which you took as an insult and since then have spammed this thread. Don’t throw your toys out of the pram just because you’ve been told to pipe down.

And for future reference, my name is Chills. My subtitle is Chief Noob Wrangler because I deal with noobs like you.


What the actual feck are you going on about?

You’re the one who asked for advice on how to access this location. I did include some advice which you took as an insult and since then have spammed this thread. Don’t throw your toys out of the pram just because you’ve been told to pipe down.

And for future reference, my name is Chills. My subtitle is Chief Noob Wrangler because I deal with noobs like you.

Haha who are you to tell me to pipe down you clown. Don't be rude to people asking genuine questions and you won't have to get put in your place now go and wrangle the knob on your head


Queller of the uprising
Haha who are you to tell me to pipe down you clown. Don't be rude to people asking genuine questions and you won't have to get put in your place now go and wrangle the knob on your head



Yo my slime, don't worry mans got bare access info that you've been asking for:
1. Climb the perimeter fence (I recommend using your mum as a ladder as she has bare grooves for your large cleats.

Pt 2 is coming soon. Unless you give me your social security number and then I'll speed things up.

Oooo looks like i spoke to soon the banter express has rolled into station. Yo my slime has made me cringe hard you're out you bumboy


Oooo looks like i spoke to soon the banter express has rolled into station. Yo my slime has made me cringe hard you're out you bumboy
Yo my slime, don't worry mans got bare access info that you've been asking for:
1. Climb the perimeter fence (I recommend using your mum as a ladder as she has bare grooves for your large cleats.

Pt 2 is coming soon. Unless you give me your social security number and then I'll speed things up.

I'm willing to let you back in if i can do a report on your moms ass your call

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