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Report - - Warwickshire Masonic Temple, Edgbaston, Birmingham - March 2018 | Other Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Warwickshire Masonic Temple, Edgbaston, Birmingham - March 2018

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Luke vaughan

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
They are allowed in the bars and dining halls not the ceremonial suites or meeting rooms.
That’s stupid tho like everyone should be allowed inside a place like that and it’s barmy how they weren’t back then


28DL Member
28DL Member
That’s stupid tho like everyone should be allowed inside a place like that and it’s barmy how they weren’t back then

Anyone can go in they just aren’t allowed to attend the ceremonial or meetings in progress as not invested Freemasons. They can attend functions etc. We attended as kids with our family.

Bando Exploration

Ins unbekannte wagen
28DL Full Member
Wow your report is loads better than mine and the place is in much better condition on my report its very trashed and fire damaged with parts of it flooded

Strangely Brown

28DL Member
28DL Member
I remember that being built (I lived local) and its nickname was 'The masons bunker' because of the way it looked. I went to several events there and I'm surprised its gone. I've lived in Wales for thirty years and I just don't recognise much of brum these days :(

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