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What's the LOUDEST thing you've ever done on an explore? | General Exploring Chat Forum | Page 2 |

What's the LOUDEST thing you've ever done on an explore?

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Dark Prince

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Deep in the Forest of Dean is a house next to an old rail tunnel. As you approach the shutter clad house, a very very loud voice starts up

"PLEASE KEEP CLEAR OF THIS PROPERTY OR THE ALARM WILL SOUND" loud enough for God to hear. So we approach even closer...

"PLEASE KEEP CLEAR OF THE PROPERTY OR THE ALARM WILL SOUND......WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO". By god that was sodding loud. Then the helicopter turned up!!.

And of course fireworks in tunnels on the south coast!.


28DL Maverick
28DL Full Member
Was a little worse for wear once & couldn't stop vomiting on an explore 'BLEUUURGH!' every 5 mins, didn't stop me though. Other than that have pretty much been a ninja so far :D


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Ok ive just remembered a certain night in a location with people who shall both remain nameless


Fucking Hell!!

That has surely got to be the doing of the one and only bigjobs?


28DL Memb3r
28DL Full Member
Normally i stealth mode, other than when with crash bang Goan ha.

Oh we made a fair bit of noise this fine night under Brapford:

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