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The Death Trap thread

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Surprisingly Unsurprising
Regular User
As both @mookster and @HughieD have already stated, the Old Rectory Care Home in Rampton was and continues to be an utter state. Been there three times in three years and every time I expect to find it completely collapsed.

In my first visit I was able to cross the upstairs landing to get to the front bedrooms but you can see that these days that is totally impossible.



That place gets worse and worse as time goes on. How it is still standing is a mystery.

Redavni Ecaps

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I've always rather enjoyed the "floating" floor which you pass on the way up the Central Hydraulic Tower in Birkenhead.




Not to mention all the fun of the spiral staircase and subsequent ladders, which are certainly a tad on the sketchy side!


Hmm since I went in 2008 the rails have been taken from the stairs.
I cannot see the AGA cooker here either.


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Good thread bump.

The 'far side' of Downing's Malthouses in Gloucester was one place I chickened out of trying to reach the stairs down in (for reference the photos were taken on the top floor where the bridge over the road joined the two sides).



Hodgson's Mill in Robertsbridge was a well known death trap, extremely rotten on pretty much every floor. The pile of rotten wood and metal pipework debris on the floor in the second photo was the result of my friend putting his entire leg through the floor above, moments before I had been stood right in that very spot and narrowly avoided quite a headache.




Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
Post your favourite death traps. I'll start with one I took this morning. Very rotten wood and a 3 story drop.


Had this at a mill down the canal for me, first time I saw it nearly walked off the edge!


About 4 stories to solid concrete, woke me up that’s for sure


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Great thread. A few of the ones I have seen. Some covered already in this thread reading through.

Some of the floors of Dalton mills were very ropey. As I found out getting too near a green bit, and ended up going through and ending on a beam and a bit of floor with a load crashing down below. My worst and first incident in exploring, plus I was solo in relation to the solo exploring thread.


Some of the upper floors at Hainford Hall.


As mentioned the Lancashire boilers at Chatterly. The floor looks better than what it is because it’s covered in green moss and debris.


Some of the corridors of the medical block at RAF Warboys are subsiding a bit now.


The upper floors of the back block at Bangour were like paper. Not sure how I managed them and still be alive today. Others will agree how bad they are. Another daft solo visit.


Mundsley TB hospital. The nurses block was really spongy in parts.


The top two floors at Fisons near Ipswich were bad.



Seafield hospital. Not so much this part but upstairs was really bad. I had been upstairs after climbing the wreckage on the stairs, I came down the stairs and half hour later in the corridor I heard an almighty bang and the girlfriend was In a room next door. She said she watched a whole section of upstairs had come down and she see it come past the window in the room she was in. A group of kids had come in five mins earlier. I quickly went to look to see if they were ok and they come running past saying we are getting the fuck out of here. Safe to say we were hot on the heels. Funnily enough it was well sealed a few days later :thumb


An old vicarage what needed some careful manoeuvring on the stairs.


Many more like St joes which has been covered in a recent report, Rampton care home that’s been said on this thread. Healings mill n how this thread was started and causeway lodge.
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Sore Knee
Regular User
I guess for me, the moments i still sometimes sit up in bed remembering in a sweat are the power stations.
By nature these are very tall structures with huge drops onto very hard concrete.
3 that come to mind are-
Power station in Belgium with upper floor metal sheets stripped. meant clinging on to the rusty rails and walking spread legged about 200 feet above the ground.
Yonkers power station in NY. I particularly look back at one plank we had to step across. We were so foolish and didnt check it for slippage/rot or sabbotage and just stepped out on it.
It looks like nothing in the photo but it was about 1.5m across with a sloped side to push on making the plank want to slip sideways and thus was another possible plunge to immediate death

I also have a foggy memory of a battersea trip one night. I wonder if anyone else remembers this route?
There was a long temporary scaffold stair case going up about 20m. The only way up was going on the top tarp covered 'roof'. Essentially it was like a slide, and it was pissing it down with rain. It was so slippery. At the bottom of this slide was a huge drop into an abyss. I was clinging on for dear life.
Then what came next still gives me chills. Off a ledge horizontally was a ricketty 3m wooden ladder. This was hung by some string from a girder. You had to go out and up through a gap above the far end of the ladder. It was a full height drop below. Soooo stupid. Life depending on that string. But it was the way into the control room at the time


28DL Regular User
Regular User


Grenoside old infants school in Sheffield the floors were a proverbial death trap totally knackered but carpet still intact above !
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28DL Regular User
Regular User
If you've been in here you'll just know...


For those who haven't, below the dodgy rusting floor is about a 15-20 metre drop into the sea, and it is pitch black down there. There is a ladder that you can access to go down there, I'm curious to know if anyone has braved it? I'd be interested to see pics. I've thought about it but I value my life :rofl


"The Pump People"
Regular User
If you've been in here you'll just know...


For those who haven't, below the dodgy rusting floor is about a 15-20 metre drop into the sea, and it is pitch black down there. There is a ladder that you can access to go down there, I'm curious to know if anyone has braved it? I'd be interested to see pics. I've thought about it but I value my life :rofl
Dont forget the metal bar in this room which claimed your glasses ahahaha.

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