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Urban Exploring Videos

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Video - Greatest 4 legged urbexer ever


Video - UK Urbex Birmingham City Large Factory and more

My style of video is a vlog style, it includes an intro, music by me or youtube studio music (normally) and clips of how we get to where we do. I like to capture graffiti sometimes as well (photo videos coming soon).

So this is a video of mine from over a year ago, we found a ladder next to a man made river type water run.. through Birmingham City and we used it to get over the water then to climb onto a ledge and eventually climbing into a large abandoned building which is fully secured from the outside otherwise. It had all of the feelings on the day of a great explore, I was nervous, having fun, in my element, intrigued, it had a slightly scary element to it. I did try to post this before but I wasn't a fully authorized member so I don't think my post made it through! Anyways this is one of the explores that'll stick with me and is unlikely to be seen by many people.

If you watch it, nice one!

let me know what you think or drop a comment on it.

Video - The Cave Clan Media You Tube Channel

Just an update to the Mother Country to let you know that over the last year I have converted a heap of Cave Clan radio interviews as well as the 2017 ABC Cave Clan documentary. The radio interviews might be a bit slow unless you have a connection to The Cave Clan or you're interested in Australian urbex history, but they can give you something to listen to as you fall asleep at night ;)

I've added random footage to the radio interviews.

The ABC documentary is probably the best thing we've done.

There's also a few Urbex clips that are not Cave Clan related that people seem to find interesting.

I’ve also made a combined version of the ABC docco that has the credits cut out (other the first & end credits of the series) so it’s a bit easier to watch if you have a spare half an hour.

Have a look at the YouTube page here > The CaveClanMedia

I'm not trying to encourage people in the scene to engage with the media. Most of our stuff was done when there was no urbex or internet and we were trying to build the scene. The ABC documentaries (5 x 7 min episodes) reveal a different side to the Cave Clan and don't reveal anything in regards to actual exploring.
If only one of you take a look then my job here is done :)

Video - A Cave Clan Explore from 30+ years ago


Video - Predator. 20 Years on.

Founder of the Sydney branch of the Cave Clan, Predator, passed away on June 5, 2004. I have a couple of videos of him to post. One now and one on the 5th. They may be interesting to people who have heard of Pred and would like to hear him talk about drains.
This one is just his audio over footage of Zorga's Drain. Zorga was the founder of the Adelaide Cave Clan and also passed away from cancer :(

Video - Haslar Military Hospital with Morgue and Padded Cell - Aug 2016

I am sure that every single explorer has been to or heard of Haslar hospital, and if you never went you missed out as all the MRI machines and x-ray machines have all been removed and sold :(

I have been to this place countless times and have had many good times here, I'll be sad to see the old beauty go! I have put together a short video and some pictures at the end from various visits over the last year or so.

And like an absolute idiot I forgot to include a picture of the staircase unfortunately, its one of a kind.

Video - Trespassing Chernobyl


Video - Wake Me Up Before You Go Go In Drains

A bit of fun from Saturday



This video was one of my favourite SydClan videos.

Video - Bryn Brickworls Brick Kiln near Port Talbot South Wales

Bryn and Cwmavon Brick Works Co. The earliest reference to this brickworks I can find is the 1906 Kelly's Directory and it appears in subsequent issues until the mid 1920s. A Grade II listed building, their website mentions that Bryn Brickworks was constructed after 1894 and continued production into the 1920s. They also state the kiln block stood at the SE end of the works adjacent to a siding of the Port Talbot Railway. The kiln is the only surviving structure on the site, although a large wall of undetermined purpose but probably for mounting equipment for the loading of railway wagons is adjacent to the kiln about 100 yards to the west.

I managed to have a good look at this whilst walking the old railway that goes alongside

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