Just an update to the Mother Country to let you know that over the last year I have converted a heap of Cave Clan radio interviews as well as the 2017 ABC Cave Clan documentary. The radio interviews might be a bit slow unless you have a connection to The Cave Clan or you're interested in Australian urbex history, but they can give you something to listen to as you fall asleep at night
I've added random footage to the radio interviews.
The ABC documentary is probably the best thing we've done.
There's also a few Urbex clips that are not Cave Clan related that people seem to find interesting.
I’ve also made a combined version of the ABC docco that has the credits cut out (other the first & end credits of the series) so it’s a bit easier to watch if you have a spare half an hour.
Have a look at the YouTube page here >
The CaveClanMedia
I'm not trying to encourage people in the scene to engage with the media. Most of our stuff was done when there was no urbex or internet and we were trying to build the scene. The ABC documentaries (5 x 7 min episodes) reveal a different side to the Cave Clan and don't reveal anything in regards to actual exploring.
If only one of you take a look then my job here is done