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Urban Exploring Videos

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Video - Parc Lead Mine - North Wales - November '22

Just a few clips and stills taken on a phone.

A revisit to Parc in an attempt to get lower down into the mine where i had't been before.

Video - Nice N Steady YouTube Video (Car brook Culvert)

Made a video of the entire explore, hope you enjoy as this is a very rare drain to see video of!

Hope you enjoy !


I just made this. You'll either love or hate the "reveal".
There are a few non-Aussie stickers including the third one which is from Manchester.

>The Urbex Zine Guy<

Video - George Barnsley and Son's | Sheffield FPV


Going down the rabbit hole into this incredible factory lost in time. Really felt like something out of Alice in wonderland going throuh that hole, from a modern graf factory into something thats been frozen and nature has taken over. Been in this location many many years ago when I was into urbex photography but never thought id get back in it, especially to fly FPV. The place hasnt changed much at all really, just the floors a bit more rotten. Only had 3 packs and some footage inside got corrupted so only got this for now, hopefully be able to get back in again sometime. Amazing place, new fave me thinks

Video - High Melton College

I took a visit to doncaster to high melton college south yorkshire, if your going to visit here its best going up church lane and over the wall and go along the side of the farmers field.
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Video - Pegwell Bay Seaweed Tunnel - April 2022

A few friends tipped me off about this strange tunnel that was used to take seaweed through back in the days of the smugglers. They used it to fertilize agricultural lands, fields etc and was used as the main way of transporting it through. Its not a massive secret as to where it is, just be careful of the tide and your ok. It literally is just a tunnel but the history behind it is interesting. I also stumbled upon a little chalk cave where I sat there chilling. We are quite blessed down on the South East coast with all this.
If you want to read more into the history please check out this link Pegwell Seaweed Tunnel

Bare with me on this I haven't posted many videos like this and I only mainly view the forums. Hope you enjoy!

Video - River Fleet sewer(2021)

River Fleet sewer
Hello, this is my second jorney to river Fleet. Jorney starts in Camden town to upstream to the end of main Fleet line (about 2km long of the sewer pipe.

Video - River Fleet sewer (overflow chamber)

River Fleet sewer (overflow chamber) Hello, about 2 years i looked a some enter to a river Fleet sewer and this is my first visit with a camera to film some video.
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Video - WW2 RAF Krendi Base Underground Qrendi Malta

Me and Angelo will explore the Royal Air Force Base / airfield , known as RAF Krendi Airfield, that housed its Operations, Administrative and Signals offices under ground during World War 2 situated in Qrendi Malta. The station was officially inaugurated in 1941 as a diversion airstrip for the main operating bases such as nearby R. A. F. Luqa. Other diversion airstrips similar in function to Krendi were located at R. A. F. Safi and on Malta's second island of Gozo. Later, in November 1942, the British began basing fighter squadrons at Krendi. These remained until late 1943. After the war, the airfield was used as a tracking station and vehicle park, before falling into disuse. Caution : This place is not a public and in order to visit you need a special permission from the San Niklaw Farm (79289641) who are currently managing the area. Special thanks to Angelo Bilocca who made the necessary arrangements to go over there, film it and share it with you all. Badge from RAF Heraldry Trust | RAF Heraldry Trust PLease like and subscribe

Pierre Farrugia

Video - Mapperley train tunnel - Nottingham

An exploration I did in an old, abandoned train tunnel in 1876 in Nottingham. It was difficult finding this place, but I got there in the end and was very excited when I saw the entrance of the tunnel in the distance between some trees. It wasn’t an easy place to find, being in the middle of some woods and hidden out of the way from the public eye. But was worth the effort and a relic found. I had to take careful steps through the very muddy and slippery entrance first to get to the beginning of the dark tunnel. With just a bit of light from my torch I felt intimidated by the darkness when I looked through the entrance, but I knew I had to do this and get to the end and back. I thought about the tunnel being haunted and this leads me into the idea about what music I could create from this and so I produced a post-industrial music track that I thought suited the dark scenery and not forgetting the anxiety felt when at the far end that was blocked off the sound design captured that feeling well. Uncensored & unprofessional I got there in the end ;-)