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General - - George Henry Lee Department Store - Liverpool - May 2023 | Other Sites | Page 2 |

General - George Henry Lee Department Store - Liverpool - May 2023

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28DL Regular User
28DL Full Member
really need to pull my finger out, walked past this one more times than I care to think about. some nice snaps there

Liverpool Urbex

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Any joy with TJ’s down the road. Reckon that might be a good one too
Not checked it out yet, but it's on my radar. Probably going to be quite tight as they've just closed. Also M&S has just moved out of its church street location that's another one I'm keeping an eye on.

Jake littler

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Has everyone been here recently 😊
yeah theres now security there due to the poundland getting shut down which i luckily goyt into before security was a thing but yeah ive only ever seen them there at night but the door that everyone goes through has been screwewd togetheer but not sure if the security is there just for poundland as there are also plans for the building to be turned into a hotel

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