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General - George Henry Lee Department Store - Liverpool - May 2023

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28DL Member
28DL Member
If you think this place is massive now, imagine what it would have been like when the 2 buildings were linked. Back when John Lewis used both buildings and connected them with the link in between. Certainly made it the most unique department store at the time.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Not checked it out yet, but it's on my radar. Probably going to be quite tight as they've just closed. Also M&S has just moved out of its church street location that's another one I'm keeping an eye on.
The old M&S will be quite tricky. M&S also still own that site. I used to work in the old M&S and I’m familiar with the whole building. There’s no chance you’ll get in on Ground level. Your best bet would be through the underground tunnel that takes you to the old delivery bay for M&S. if you can manage to somehow dodge or climb over the gate at the beginning of the tunnel, there’s a chance you might be able to try a little side door by the M&S delivery bay. But you have to go through the whole tunnel to reach the delivery bay. If that side door is locked, then there’s no chance.
But If you manage to get in, there are so many interesting parts of the building to explore. About half of the staff only areas in the old M&S were already abandoned for decades. The fourth and fifth floors have particularly been abandoned for decades, but I think the door to that area is locked.

Liverpool Urbex

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Any joy with TJ’s down the road. Reckon that might be a good one too
Had a nose round TJs yesterday, it’s tight but had a look through an air vent and it looks like it’s already pretty stripped



One Life. Derp It.
Regular User
Had a nose round TJs yesterday, it’s tight but had a look through an air vent and it looks like it’s already pretty stripped

Looks like they’ve started to strip it?

Last time I was there, it looked like they’d already started bringing the main building back to its original shell
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Had a nose round TJs yesterday, it’s tight but had a look through an air vent and it looks like it’s already pretty stripped

Gutted about this, I tried in Jan with no luck the top floors might be okay. I went shopping here’s most Saturdays many years ago when my dad owned a shop opposite on London rd.

Liverpool Urbex

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Update on this place, 24 hour security with a dog freely roaming. Started stripping the place and putting up stud walls. Construction has since halted though due to the company going bust.

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